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Filtering by Category: May 2018

Tips on How to Build Your Dream House

RH Business Marketing Solutions

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Tips on How to Build Your Dream House

Building a dream home is the feat of a lifetime. After all, you are meant to start off with a mere cornerstone and end with the place where you will likely spend the rest of your life. This might sound like a daunting concept, and indeed the very process can be grueling and challenging on a deeply personal level, but the end result is definitely worth it. That being said, this hardship can be ameliorated at least a little bit with these tips on how to build your dream house.

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Choose The Right Place

Melbourne is one of the most coveted urban areas in Australia and everybody would like, ideally, to build their ultimate home within the city limits of Melbourne or Sydney or Brisbane. However, you should keep your expectations realistic and choose the best lot for the most opportune price.

Even if it’s a bit far off from downtown, it will still be a short car ride away. Your priority is the quality of the ground and the quality of the neighborhood. It’s always smart to go for the calmer environment that leaves enough “breathing space” for cultivating lush greenery.

Prioritize Spending On Professionals

Expensive materials are all fine and dandy but the structural integrity of your household mostly depends on the quality of hands that build them. Thankfully, Melbourne boasts a lot of experience contractors in nearly every field of construction, so finding the responsible and reliable professionals should not be that hard.

Your greatest tool in this regard is the internet browser – it gives you convenient access to rich information as well as customer reviews and discussion forums you can sift through to find the exact building contractors you need.

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Security Is Everything

When the lot turns into a construction site, security is everything. Most workers will be insured, but you should be adamant about them wearing all the necessary protection – like helmets, worker gloves and fire-resistant uniforms – as well as to utilize the benefits of crane hire from Melbourne. These cutting-edge cranes are mobile and modular in a way that makes the building process both safer and quicker.

In addition, you should definitely be in contact with the manager of each of the hired contracted building companies and insist that each piece of electrical equipment used is checked and maintained throughout the process. It protects both workers on your plot and the aforementioned structural integrity of your house.

Be There Every Day But Don’t Intervene Too Much

However, you should be fully aware of that fine line between meddling with business you do not fully comprehend and managing the construction of your dream home. For starters, it would be smart if either you or some other family member could afford to visit the construction site at least once a day for an hour or two. This will keep some of the slower workers on their toes and it will convince them how much you care about the construction.

However, you should avoid any sort of excessive meddling. You can offer your helping hand but don’t insist on it. Remember – you are not the professional constructor, and even if you are, the fact that you have contracted workers to do this job for you should be respected. If you trust your own judgment when you’re hiring professionals from around Melbourne, you should get what you bargained for.

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Size Matters

Of course, as the layout of your home is drawn, you should make sure it accommodates the number of household residents it will hold, or potentially might hold, but don’t be overindulgent! Two extra rooms that basically have no function is square space wasted, and you should keep in mind the fact that you’ll have to pay considerably higher bills and mortgage payments.

In addition, going with the functional size of the household equates to green thinking – as you will be going out of your way to reduce your energy/carbon footprint. Of course, going for ENERGY STAR mode as you look at water and electricity saving technologies and appliances also pays off in the long run.

Finally, as you get into the process of building your first home, you have to be prepared for numerous goofs. Such endeavor goes through a lot of trial and error, and despairing over every single setback can make matters exponentially worse in the long run. Just stay flexible throughout the process and approach ever problem, predictable or not, with a sense of resolve. The vision of your dream house you are trying to reach should be enough of a motivator.

Guest Contributor, Diana Smith


How to Cut Down on Energy Waste

RH Business Marketing Solutions

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How to Cut Down on Energy Waste

There are a few reasons a household should worry about energy consumption. First of all, reducing your energy consumption is a good way to save money because bills can add up, and by just changing your behavior slightly, you can have greater control over how much you’re spending.

However, there’s more to it than just being careful with money. Cutting down on energy consumption is also an eco-friendly thing to do and that’s something modern homeowners need to think about. Our actions in this regard matter more than you think and small personal changes could actually have an effect on global environmental issues.

LED Lights

Lights are probably the biggest source of energy waste in an average household. There are a few ways to cut down on energy consumption when it comes to lights and most of them don’t require any significant investment. Start by changing the light bulbs to LED ones. This might be a bit pricey, but you can do it in phases. This is definitely a smart investment because LED light bulbs can last for years.

It’s also a good idea to install a timer that will turn off the lights when you’re not using them. That means much more than you might think since we often forget to turn off the light.


Ordinary household appliances can waste quite a lot of energy, especially if they are old and not maintained properly. First of all, purchase the appliances that are designed to save electricity. They usually cost a bit more, but they are definitely worth it in the long run.

It’s also important to maintain your appliances on a regular basis, instead of waiting for them to break down. Having a local electrician on speed dial can help with this. Scheduling a visit with an electrician from Castle Hill in advance can prevent problems that might lead to energy waste.

Heating and AC

It’s a thin line when it comes to managing heating and AC in terms of energy waste. The goal should be to cut down on the wasteful spending, but it isn’t an area in which you should sacrifice your comfort. There are ways to have both, but you need to have your family’s needs in mind when making the decision.

Adjust the temperature based on the weather outside, instead of keeping the thermostat on a designated number. A similar effect can be accomplished by making sure that your AC system is in good condition. This can be achieved by changing the filters on a regular basis. This should be done every six months and it usually doesn’t require professional assistance.

Energy Providers

In the end, there’s a great saving tip that most homeowners tend to forget about. Changing the electricity provider can give you access to a variety of discounts or simply to a lower price that comes with negotiating a better deal.

Another option is to install solar panels that will cover a portion of your energy needs. This will also lower the bills since you’ll be using much less electricity directly from the grid. There are also ways to store solar energy that make the transition process easier than it ever was.

Cutting down energy consumption can usually be done just by changing your behavior slightly. It’s also important to rely on professionals to help you maintain your devices and let you make the most of them.

Guest Contributor, Amelia Atkins 

Plumbing Features To Check Before Buying Your New Home

RH Business Marketing Solutions

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Plumbing Features to Check Before Buying your New Home

Congratulations, you've found your dream home and you're ready to make an offer. However, before you start gearing up for that move to Chicago , it might be worth slowing down for a moment and thinking about what you're really investing in. Home buyer inspections are common these days, but a standard inspection might not involve getting a real, effective plumber to come in and check all your systems.

Unfortunately, this means that a homeowner moves into their new property without a good understanding of what's happening with their pipes. After a few months, you could end up dealing with a number of expensive problems you never foresaw. Working with a plumber service to inspect your home before you make the move is one of the best ways to make sure that you don't set yourself up for any shocks. Here are just some of the things you should check before signing on the dotted line.

1. Examine the Toilets

Let's face it when you're moving to a new home in Chicago, you want to be checking out the local attractions, the fantastic view from your window, and the size of your bedrooms. That means you're probably not going to be spending a lot of time checking whether each of your toilets works. However, the last thing you want is to move into your new house and discover that you instantly need the support of a plumber.

The good news is that working with a plumber to examine your potential home before you move means that you might be able to get any issues fixed before your family is running around, trying to get by without a working toilet.

2. Think about the Sewers

Often, when homeowners take their property onto the real estate market, they look for various ways to make that home more appealing. For instance, they might hire professionals to wash the outside of their structure, or invest in a new coat of paint for some of the inner rooms. The chances are, they won't dedicate a lot of time to checking that the sewers are running properly.

Sewer repairs can be extremely costly, so it's important to check out the details as early as possible, so you can avoid overspending if the cost of repairing a sewer issue takes you over your budget. It's worth looking for dirty water pumps that need replacing too. Your plumber will be able to help you figure out which parts of your plumbing need the most work.

3. Know How Your Water Heaters are Holding Up

Finally, if you're moving home in summer, you may not even think to check the water heaters. However, depending on the quality of your water, and the support of a long-term maintenance plan, a typical water heater will only last for around ten years or so. You'll need to make sure that it's in a good enough condition to keep you and your family comfortable in the winter months.

Checking for issues with your water heater in advance is a good way to make sure that you're not hit with a nasty surprise when the cold weather rolls around.

Guest Contributor, Micheal Brennan

5 Hidden Perks of Home Automation

RH Business Marketing Solutions

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5 Hidden Perks of Home Automation

The main reason why people turn to home automation is to make their lives easier and boost the comfort within their own home. After all, wouldn’t it be great to control your home’s security, lights and heating system through your smartphone and make all the necessary adjustments without ever having to leave the sofa? On the other hand, this is just one of the many advantages of home automation. The reason why it is the only one that most people talk about is that people are so passionate when it comes to their own comfort. On paper, however, home automation has five hidden perks that appear to be even more impressive.

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Greater security

We mentioned that home automation directly leads to a boost in home security, however, not having to walk to the monitor in order to check the cameras is just the tip of the iceberg. Through your smartphone, you can not only check your locks but also lock and unlock your front door, which can be quite reliable. Think about it, how many times has it happened that you’ve forgotten to take your keyring with you? Now, think about the odds of doing the same without your phone.

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Utility bill frugality

The next thing with home automation is the fact that it immensely reduces your monthly expense list. For instance, your Wi-Fi sprinkler system can drastically reduce the cost of your water bill, while the installation of a smart thermostat does the same with power. These savings aren’t just made by you no longer being lazy to turn off the light in the hallway. With a home automation system, you have the ability to make a frugal scheme that functions independently of your actions. In this way, you stand to make your money-saving efforts more reliable.

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Simpler maintenance

One of the things that a lot of people overlook is the issue of home maintenance. With some automated household systems, like those offered by CBus installers, you can have your home enhanced with a reliable energy metering system. This may sound as yet another budget perk but it goes even further than that. You see, if you watch your home’s energy consumption closely, day after day, you will inevitably notice when something goes wrong. In that situation, you have the ability to make your household maintenance efforts more reactive and more efficient.

Greater control

Not having to stand up in order to set up your thermometer is not nearly the most important function of remote control. Imagine a scenario of walking into a cold home, in the middle of the winter, because you didn’t want to leave thermometer on in order to heat an empty home while you’re at work. With home automation fully implemented into your household, this will become a matter of the past. This kind of control can be displayed in virtually every aspect of your household management.


Finally, acquiring a peace of mind is something that it hard to quantify, yet it has to find its place on the list as one of the greatest perks of home automation. Think about going on a holiday without knowing that you’ve turned off the stove with 100 percent certainty. What do you do? Do you call it all off and cut your holiday short or worry for two weeks straight? With home automation on your side, this doesn’t have to be a problem anymore. For people who have kids, being able to check on the babysitter through your smartphone surveillance while you’re at work is a priceless idea.

As you can see, the benefits of home automation are numerous and each one of them would on its own be a reason enough to go for it. Luckily, you don’t actually have to choose, seeing as how you are bound to receive the entire package either way. Nonetheless, there are certain degrees in your home’s automation and you can still feel free to choose which of the processes you aim to enhance with smart technology and which of them you are about to leave as they are.

Guest Contributor, Diana Smith



Beautiful Design Ideas for Tiny Yards

RH Business Marketing Solutions

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Beautiful Design Ideas for Tiny Yards

Not everyone who loves gardening and relaxing outdoors is blessed with a yard the size of a soccer field. But, that shouldn’t stop you from getting the most out of your tiny yard and enjoying it with all your heart. Here’s how you can maximize the space and effect of your yard with only a few beautiful and practical design ideas.

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Remove Clutter

First things first, start from the clutter. Clutter has a horrible ability to make small spaces look even smaller and uglier, so make sure to create order in your backyard. Of course, store your gardening supplies and tools away, but also pay attention to how you plant and maintain your landscaping. Opting for a few different plants or a one-color palette might help achieve a coherent look.

Orland Park Plumbers

Create Zones

Even though it might seem contradictory, breaking a small space into different zones might make it look and feel larger. Use pathways, seating and plants to create divisions and turn it into a space full of little cozy nooks. Additionally, placing one part of your seating off the patio and near the yard border will create an illusion of space.

Go Up

If you lack square footage, utilize your vertical spaces! Plant trees and shrubs that grow upwards (dwarf varieties are recommended) and use columnar evergreens. Blooming vines are also a great way to add more greenery that takes up minimal space. These vines will grow on anything from fences to containers and even other shrubs and trees! Plus, they boost privacy and create a super romantic atmosphere!

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Bring in the Accent Plants

Small yards often lack life and color, so make sure to bring your outdoor space to life with big planters. Place these containers full of blooming flowers around entrances, seating and other features to liven up the space and bring softness. Impatiens, fuchsias and begonias will all achieve a beautiful effect. However, plan well in advance. Containers require careful placement to be effective. Group them in threes or harmonize the colors of flowers (choose your main color and complement it with a secondary and even tertiary). But, too many colors will completely ruin the point of accents and nothing will dominate—there will only be a mess! If this sounds too complicated to you, it might be best to hire a landscaping expert to help you with this stage. They know just what to do to achieve an elegant and coherent look, even in your tiny space!

Skip the Lawn

If you have a green thumb and really like plants, you can skip the lawn and turn your entire yard into a garden! Divide the space with paths, layer the greenery and voila! You might have a small yard, but you’ll have a big garden!

Add a Small Water or Fire Feature

Many people think water features have to be big pools with waterfalls, but you can actually get a very small feature and achieve just the same effect. For instance, get a small reflecting pool or a Japanese trough that will shower you with relaxing sounds. Fire pits can warm up the space and give it a romantic vibe during the chilly evenings. And if you pick the right design, these fire features can easily also double as little coffee tables in the summer!

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Mix It Up

If you want to achieve a dramatic visual effect, you can add interest to your yard by mixing interesting elements. For instance, mix regular stepping stones with mosaic ones, mix contemporary planters with vintage ones or mix exotic succulents with local wildflowers. This way, no one will even notice the size of your space!

As you can see, size is not everything. With these ingenious landscaping ideas, your small yard will be super functional, cozy and beautiful. 

Guest Contributor, Diana Smith

Essential Tips for Creating an Amazing Eclectic Bathroom

RH Business Marketing Solutions

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Essential Tips for Creating an Amazing Eclectic Bathroom

If you want to create a bathroom that isn’t just plain white and boring, then the eclectic style is perfect for you. Mixing different styles and periods will make your bathroom look truly unique, as you can adjust it to your own taste much easier, and it would allow you to add a personal touch as well. So, if you’re looking to create a stylish and one-of-a-kind bathroom that can fit all your needs, here are a couple of tips for creating a fantastic eclectic bathroom.

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Add Pops of Color

If you want your bathroom to stay neutrally colored, consider adding pops of color to make it more interesting. For instance, you can paint your cabinets, mirror frames, or door frames in bright orange or yellow, which would allow your bathroom to stay elegant, but it wouldn’t look too plain. It’s a simple but effective way to spice up your bathroom a bit.

Add Some Contrast

Instead of adding pops of color, you could also use contrasting colors in your bathroom. For instance, you could choose some darker finish for your wooden cabinets, which would go perfectly with white marble counters. Or, you could paint your whole bathroom in some darker color and install light-colored fixtures.

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Mix the Materials

For a truly eclectic bathroom, don’t hesitate to mix the materials. For example, you can have ceramic tiles, but wooden cabinets. Or, you can introduce some natural-stone fixtures that would go well with porcelain tiles. Whichever materials you choose to mix, it is a great way to emphasize the eclectic appearance of your bathroom.

Choose the Right Tiles

Having the right kind of tiles can help you create the best eclectic vibe. Make sure they are of high quality, and don’t be afraid of picking some interesting patterns. This would also make your bathroom look less dull. Moreover, if you have a specific design or shape in mind, your tiles can also be customized. This would make your eclectic bathroom truly yours. Just make sure your tiles are never dirty; if you live in the Land Down Under, there are many professional tile cleaners in Sydney that can help you keep your tiles sparkling clean.

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Add an Element of Surprise

For a really unique look, add an element of surprise to your bathroom. For example, you can paint one wall in a different color, build a small fireplace, or introduce an ornate gilded mirror. Additionally, if you happen to have a collection of figurines, you can place them on top of your counter, or you could hang some abstract painting on the wall. Moreover, in case you have one of those plastic lawn decorations, you could place one in your bathroom. Adding such small, unexpected details will make your bathroom look much less serious.

Enclose It

Another great idea for an electing bathroom is enclosing your shower. You can do it with large windows, mirrors, or wood. Enclosing it would emphasize the visual continuity and make your bath look larger than it really is. It could also add a nice contrast to the rest of your bathroom, and make it look a bit more trendy.

An eclectic bathroom is perfect for everybody who wants to have a unique and interesting bathroom that reflects their personality and shows their sense of style. So, make sure to choose the right tiles, think about the colors, enclose your bath for a more modern look, and don’t be afraid of mixing different materials. You can also add an element of surprise in order to make it more humorous, and your bathroom is bound to become your new favorite room in the house.

Guest Contributor, Cooper Klein