5 Hidden Perks of Home Automation — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL Google+

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5 Hidden Perks of Home Automation

RH Business Marketing Solutions

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5 Hidden Perks of Home Automation

The main reason why people turn to home automation is to make their lives easier and boost the comfort within their own home. After all, wouldn’t it be great to control your home’s security, lights and heating system through your smartphone and make all the necessary adjustments without ever having to leave the sofa? On the other hand, this is just one of the many advantages of home automation. The reason why it is the only one that most people talk about is that people are so passionate when it comes to their own comfort. On paper, however, home automation has five hidden perks that appear to be even more impressive.

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Greater security

We mentioned that home automation directly leads to a boost in home security, however, not having to walk to the monitor in order to check the cameras is just the tip of the iceberg. Through your smartphone, you can not only check your locks but also lock and unlock your front door, which can be quite reliable. Think about it, how many times has it happened that you’ve forgotten to take your keyring with you? Now, think about the odds of doing the same without your phone.

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Utility bill frugality

The next thing with home automation is the fact that it immensely reduces your monthly expense list. For instance, your Wi-Fi sprinkler system can drastically reduce the cost of your water bill, while the installation of a smart thermostat does the same with power. These savings aren’t just made by you no longer being lazy to turn off the light in the hallway. With a home automation system, you have the ability to make a frugal scheme that functions independently of your actions. In this way, you stand to make your money-saving efforts more reliable.

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Simpler maintenance

One of the things that a lot of people overlook is the issue of home maintenance. With some automated household systems, like those offered by CBus installers, you can have your home enhanced with a reliable energy metering system. This may sound as yet another budget perk but it goes even further than that. You see, if you watch your home’s energy consumption closely, day after day, you will inevitably notice when something goes wrong. In that situation, you have the ability to make your household maintenance efforts more reactive and more efficient.

Greater control

Not having to stand up in order to set up your thermometer is not nearly the most important function of remote control. Imagine a scenario of walking into a cold home, in the middle of the winter, because you didn’t want to leave thermometer on in order to heat an empty home while you’re at work. With home automation fully implemented into your household, this will become a matter of the past. This kind of control can be displayed in virtually every aspect of your household management.


Finally, acquiring a peace of mind is something that it hard to quantify, yet it has to find its place on the list as one of the greatest perks of home automation. Think about going on a holiday without knowing that you’ve turned off the stove with 100 percent certainty. What do you do? Do you call it all off and cut your holiday short or worry for two weeks straight? With home automation on your side, this doesn’t have to be a problem anymore. For people who have kids, being able to check on the babysitter through your smartphone surveillance while you’re at work is a priceless idea.

As you can see, the benefits of home automation are numerous and each one of them would on its own be a reason enough to go for it. Luckily, you don’t actually have to choose, seeing as how you are bound to receive the entire package either way. Nonetheless, there are certain degrees in your home’s automation and you can still feel free to choose which of the processes you aim to enhance with smart technology and which of them you are about to leave as they are.

Guest Contributor, Diana Smith