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Tinley Park, IL


Residential and Commercial plumbers and plumbing contractors available in Orland Park, Tinley Park, Oak Lawn, Palos Heights, Midlothian, Oak Forest, Homer Glen, Mokena, Frankfort, and the surrounding Chicago South Suburbs. Emergency plumbers.

Homer Glen Plumber

Plumber in Homer Glen available for same day service, plumbing emergencies, bathroom remodels, sewer and drain cleaning, sump pump installation, water heater installation and all your plumbing needs. 

Call Today 708-845-7922

Homer Glen Plumbers

Plumber in Homer Glen IL 708-837-7922

Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing is your Homer Glen plumber. Schedule a maintenance call with one of your licensed plumbers. We will be glad to show you how to properly maintain your plumbing. 

Spring Cleaning: The first thing you have to do This Spring, is open every single window. Let that fresh air in. 

  • Clean or replace your furnace filters

  • Test your air conditioning system(don’t wait till it gets too hot to see if it’s working).

  • Check caulking around all windows and doors. Improper caulking allows for moisture to get inside your walls and can cause mold.

  • Replace screens on your windows if they are torn or broken.

  • Clean your windows, inside and outside.

  • Test your smoke and fire detector, replace batteries if needed. Dust the inside and outside.

  • Check your fire extinguisher.

  • Clean your ceiling fan with a wet rag.

  • Rotate your ceiling fan so it’s spinning counter clock wise for Summer.

  • Clean out your fridge and freezer. Place a new box of baking soda in the back to maintain freshness.

  • Check for pest problems, you might look into calling someone to spray before the warmer months.

  • Organize your closets, put away Winter clothes and bring out the Spring and Summer clothes.

  • Clean your walls, sponge and water, or a wet rag. Dust builds up on your walls, especially during Fall and Winter.

  • Dust and reorganize your book shelves. Move your books around, place some vertically, and some horizontally.

  • Wipe down all your lightbulbs.

  • Wash your shower curtain. Replace the inside liner. You can buy the inside liner for a buck or two. They tent to get moldy quickly.

  • Clean your bathroom walls, having your fan on during and after showers isn’t enough. Mold grows, you have to prevent it.

  • Soak your shower head in vinegar and lemon for half an hour or longer if you please. Minerals tend to build up in it.

  • Vacuum mattress and box spring.

  • Dust off all vents.

  • Clean out the dryer ducts.

Call Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing Today 708-845-7922

Kevin Szabo Jr 708-845-7922

Kevin Szabo Jr 708-845-7922