Does Anybody NOT Take Their Phone with Them to the Bathroom?
RH Business Marketing Solutions
It is 2016, we have the world at our finger tips. They have an App for anything you could imagine, and not to mention most people are wrapped up in Social Media. What did people do in the bathroom before there were mobile phones? In our household we actually have books all around the house, including the bathroom. Our bathroom has a great selection of interesting books. Nothing to complex, mostly facts about History, how to guides, and of course Uncle John’s Fully Loaded Bathroom Reader. There was a study that was done several years ago about how much time was spent sitting in the bathroom. It was said, we spend 3 years of our lives sitting in the bathroom. That was before the smart phone came out. I could tell you that everyone spends way more time on their phone in the bathroom now. Parents, have always ran away to the bathroom from their kids when they were just too much to handle. Now, parents more often than not, pretend that they need to go to the bathroom just so they could go on Social Media. I’m not judging anybody; I’m actually writing this post from my bathroom. Bathrooms have become our new offices. Back in the day, a lot of people wanted an “office” in their house. Now, all you need is a bathroom and your smart phone.
I remember when I first became a plumber, my customers use to have newspapers, magazines, and books, in their bathrooms. I can honestly say, I rarely see that now a day. We need to bring back reading in our bathrooms, or keep the phone usage in the bathroom in moderation.
Here is an example of phone usage I found on Instagram.