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Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing Blog

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Filtering by Tag: Drain Cleaning Service

Hiring Drain Cleaning Service Experts

Rona Regan

Hiring Drain Cleaning Service Experts

A lot of homeowners will suffer from common clogged drains. It is advisable to get all this repaired and cleaned at the earliest convenience. Just from minor trouble to one major nightmare, drain blockages will surely cause too much damage if left unattended. This is the reason you will have to start looking for professional plumbing service provider that can help you clean and repair the blocked drains in your property. Apart from that, you should know the cause of clogged drains. A few items that are mostly known to cause blocked drains are: plastic, garbage, toilet paper, and wet wipes are the biggest problems for blockage in the drainage system. Also, there is a big possibility that your drainage system gets clogged at the exterior part, and it mainly happens due to garden particles and tree roots. Therefore, by hiring a professional drain cleaner, they will identify the exact cause of your blocked drain and resolve the blockage.

Mentioned below are different blocked drain issues which you can get professional assistance for:

1.)    Blocked Sink Drain:

As everything manages their way down the drain, bathroom sinks and kitchen sinks are known to face the clogging problems very often. If you have encountered such a problem before and know that home remedies do not provide an instant solution, then hire an expert plumbing service.  You can also try out some DIY methods to clean the drain, you can pour hot water with cleaning solution into the drain. Or you can use a hanger to plug out the garbage from the drain. However, these are simple solutions for bigger problems, and you cannot fully clear the drain by trying these DIY methods. So, it is best to hire a professional and have them clear your drain.

2.)    Clogged Sewer:

Tree roots are said to be the biggest culprits of blocked drains and clogged sewer lines. One of the issues with tree roots in the line is finding out about the blockage, which, without a video camera inspection it will be very difficult to diagnose. When you hire a professional drain cleaner, you can be sure of the solution. Plumbers and Drain Cleaners have the knowledge and equipment to discover the root cause. Their machines include, rodders, jetters, video cameras, hydraulic root cutters and much more.

3.)    Blocked Toilets:

Managing blockage in toilets is very tricky and might also be difficult at times. Treating this as an emergency issue, is essential that you start looking for plumbing services providers who specialize in blocked drains. An emergency plumber who can pop open a blocked drain with a rod machine right away is always great. They will be able to give you a few pointers on how to keep it open and how to maintain the drain.

How Would You Hire A Professional Drain Cleaning Service Who Specializes In Blocked Drains?

Finding the perfect drain cleaning service provider who specializes in blocked drains will make a big difference. You don’t want a trainee to tackle all your plumbing issues, you want an experienced person. Always hire an experienced blocked drain cleaning service provided who can handle your complicated tasks within a short time.

  • If you choose to clean the blocked drain yourself, you might have to take off work of time away from your schedule and it will take you all day. If you don’t have the machines needed, you’ll need to rent them. But, if you hire a professional drain cleaning service provider you can stay relaxed. They will do all the work and will accordingly find a good solution for your needs.

  • If you do not know the exact plumbing problem, trying to learn as you go might not work for you. You will end up wasting your efforts and might end up causing damage to your property. With the help from an expert plumbing service provider, it will be easy for you to preserve the beauty of your property.

Looking for an expert blocked drains cleaning service is not a daunting task at all. You can refer to your local classifieds or look up on the internet to find the right service provider for your needs.

Guest Contributor, Adam Wilson

Understanding Blocked Drains and Ways To Prevent Them

Rona Regan

Understanding Blocked Drains And Ways To Prevent Them

The familiar sound of gurgling from the drain and overflowing is taxing for everyone, especially for the residents. Blocked drains are frustrating plumbing problems for residents and can occur in various places including toilets, storm water lines, kitchens, and bathrooms. These blocked drains are often caused because of negligence and disposal of waste in the wrong way. However, as they say, old habits die hardly and thus it is a serious concern leading to over clogging, blockage of pipes creating havoc in your bathroom, kitchen and other areas of the house too. So, here is a guide to handle these issues.

Understanding causes of blocked drains

The little things add up to drainage issues rather than short-term problems. Here are some of the most common ones. If your answer checks the yes in most cases, then you are also the victim to this issue-

  • Throwing waste right down the drain is perhaps one of the biggest issues that most people face with clogging of drains. In this case, bigger chunks of foods and other particles block your drains.

  • Another common cause of these blocked drains would have to be the use of grease or animal fat that goes down the drain. These butter, oil, etc. eventually sticks to the side of the pipes. In such cases it causes other particles to stick there thus clogging the drains more.

  • Last, but not the least do remember that hair particles, throwing little plastic things into your drain, etc. too leads to clogging. Another aspect here is that many people do throw sanitary napkins into the drains, which causes clogging. So beware of these.

Managing blocked drains

There are different ways to manage and care your drains. You can manage blocked drains in the following ways. Here, are some ideas that can be helpful.

Think of preventive measures

One of the best thing you can do is, try to prevent the clogging of these drains bystop throwing things into them. So as a rule of thumb, rather than disposing grease directly into the kitchen pipe, use a bin. In addition, for the bathroom use the drain covers that covers properly and allow only water to flow thus, preventing your hair and other such elements from going into the pipe and causing blocked drains.

Do regular cleaning

There is no doubt that regular maintenance is something that will improve the life of your drain and help you to ensure that your drains don’t clog that easily. So, the first step to keep in mind here is that you should opt for simple and regular cleaning methods. There are a few effective methods. Some of them are:

  • Draining down hot water every night or every 2-3 days through the drain is known to prevent blocked drains. It helps in getting rid of stubborn fat and other greasy elements.

  • You can also make a solution using baking soda, hot water, and vinegar and pour it down the lane. Just make sure that you don’t use the drain for the next few hours or so after doing this.

  • Beside these, there are also a lot of regular drain cleaners available in the market. These are simple commercial ones available at grocery markets or departmental stores. Get one of these and use as instructed to prevent the blocked drains.

Do keep in mind that rather than calling a plumber, these measures to fix and prevent clogging of drains are more effective. Not only will you be able to save time and drainage hassles, but also prevent wastage of money, which a plumber would charge for cleaning up your drain.

Guest Contributor, Amelie Lawrence