6 KEY Dumpster Safety Tips for Hazard-Free Waste Disposal — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL Google+

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6 KEY Dumpster Safety Tips for Hazard-Free Waste Disposal

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Proper Loading Techniques

Regarding getting rid of trash, renting a dumpster is tempting, allowing you to throw everything in it. However, a carefree approach can be dangerous for you and the person taking it from the dumpster to the landfill. It can also cause you to have to face extra fees if the rented dumpster gets damaged.  

To ensure that you’re correctly loading the dumpster, ensure you know what you’ve rented. Double-check the weight limit and see if the dumpster has a door feature. It will help you understand what you can load and how to do so.

Load heavy objects first, with the weight of the garbage being distributed evenly throughout the dumpster. It will ensure when you move the dumpster, the truck is not in danger. You’ll also want to condense any items you can so that there is more space. Small/oddly shaped garbage can fill in gaps between the bigger items.

Site Placement and Accessibility

Before you rent a dumpster, you must know where it is going. Having it next to your worksite could save some time, but it may be unsafe or become an obstacle for people walking by.

Besides needing enough room for the dumpster, renters must ensure the area is accessible for the delivery truck. Not only will the driver need a clear area to maneuver it in, but they will also need about 6 meters above the vehicle to allow them to lift the dumpster. The area must not have wires, branches, or low awnings.

It’s also essential to consider the placement of the dumpster. An empty dumpster may be able to sit on the grass without a problem, but a full one could sink into the dirt and potentially damage any underground utilities. For this reason, it’s best to have the rented dumpster on flat concrete or a piece of plywood.

Finally, it’s important to remember to follow the laws. Do not have the dumpster placed on someone else’s property, and check the municipal guidelines. If you’re unsure, consult dumpster rental companies like Scarborough Disposal. They have the guidelines on their website.

Material Guidelines and Restrictions

Another thing to consider before renting a dumpster is whether or not what you’re throwing out can be sent to the dump. While most items, like drywall or old furniture, are safe, others are hazardous, and the dumpster rental company or landfill won’t accept them.

Any items with chemicals inside of them, like sealed drums, car batteries, or cleaning supplies, will be immediately rejected as they could leak and be dangerous. They will not take aerosol cans and hot water tanks because the gases inside can cause the containers to explode. They will reject tires and other materials as they may collect gases at the landfill and become dangerous over time.  

They may accept some materials if you remove some components. AC units, fridges, and electronics have coolant units and batteries you can remove. It will allow you to throw out the larger parts in the dumpster and take care of the hazardous material separately. 

A dumpster rental company may also reject certain items that could damage or stain the dumpster. Anything with a large amount of ink, resin, or glue may make the dumpster unusable. The company could also charge an additional fee for materials like roof shingles.

If, at any point, you’re unsure about whether or not your waste is considered hazardous, be sure to call your city to see how to best dispose of the waste. Some rental companies may also offer additional services to remove hazardous waste. So, check the website if you have such materials.

Personal Protective Equipment

Waste removal can often be more dangerous than you would think. With rusted nails, sharp glass, and dangerous chemicals, it’s easy to get injured if you don’t take the proper precautions. 

To keep everyone safe, ensure everyone on-site has safety glasses, gloves, cut-resistant sleeves, and an apron. These items are durable and resistant to chemicals. Hi-Vis vests can also be useful to ensure that people passing by the worksite are aware of your presence and take the proper precautions.

When removing the protective equipment, try not to touch any possibly dangerous areas. Loose shards or chemical residues can get stuck on the surface of the gloves or apron. Places like the inside of the gloves are the safest places to touch when removing them.

It’s also important to thoroughly clean yourself and your protective equipment after use to eliminate any hidden hazards after the job is complete.

Weather Considerations

Despite how much you may wish it, the weather won’t always be perfect when working on a project. Snow, rain, and heat can significantly impact you, the dumpster rental company, and the trash you want to get rid of. It’’s essential to keep an eye on the weather forecast and prepare ahead of time to ensure things go smoothly.

In the winter, excess snow can take up space in the dumpster and add more weight. Therefore, the dumpster needs to be closed and secured at all times. You should shovel and salt the area around the dumpster for easier access. You may also need to prepare to have the dumpster arrive/picked up later than expected in case the weather impacts driving conditions.

A heatwave can also cause several problems. Any garbage inside the dumpster will start to decay faster, which may cause odours and attract pests. By bagging your trash tighter, you’ll reduce the amount of smells that can escape the bag. It can also help to wait to throw out any garbage that could cause smells, like food scraps, until closer to the dumpster’s pick-up time.

Extreme heat may also make the metal of the dumpster dangerous to touch. Using a hose to water down the outside of the dumpster will help keep the temperature regulated and safe.  

Finally, you may have to deal with rain. Like the snow, rain can fill up a dumpster, making it much heavier and possibly causing you to exceed the weight limit. Your garbage may also become waterlogged and, depending on the material, get stuck inside the dumpster, causing cleaning fees. To avoid this, be sure that you place a tarp around your work site and over the dumpster.


Emergency Preparedness

Even with safety gear and precautions, accidents can happen. A hazardous material may be in the area, there could be a leak, or someone may injure themselves. That is why it’s important to have an emergency procedure in place that everyone is aware of.

Have proper medical equipment and supplies near the dumpster and outline what to do if you discover something dangerous while working. You also need to ensure there are containers for any potentially hazardous materials you can seal to secure the waste. Be sure to research who to contact if anything is suspected to be radioactive, chemical, bio-medical, flammable, or explosive is found.

Remember that most dumpster rental companies can deliver dumpsters within 24 hours and may be able to offer additional time if there is an emergency, allowing you to take your time and handle the situation properly.

Worry-Free Waste Disposal

As tempting as it is to quickly rid yourself of your trash as soon as your rental dumpster arrives, worry-free disposal requires planning and preparation. Knowing the dumpster placement, what gear you’ll need, and what to discard is essential to having a safe and effective work environment.

It’s also important to remember that you’re not alone. When you come across something you’re unsure about how to handle, remember to reach out to the rental company or your city for more information and tips.