How You Can Live a Healthier Lifestyle Starting at Home — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL Google+

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How You Can Live a Healthier Lifestyle Starting at Home

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Good health is a result of daily actions that serve to keep your body in good condition supporting the ability to resist disease. You may not implement health-promoting habits in your daily life, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make the changes needed to support good health. Even if you have a hectic lifestyle, you can incorporate healthy habits in your home life that will make a difference in how you look and how you feel.


Focus on A Healthy Diet

Focus on a diet of fresh fruit and leafy, green vegetables, lean meats, fish, beans and legumes, whole grains, and healthy oils. Avoid the fast food habit, eat more meals at home, and stay away from processed foods.


Resolve To Exercise Regularly

Some people love to exercise and extend their physical limits. Other people are more sedentary and find exercise a chore. But exercise is key to maintaining good health, lower blood pressure, proper weight management, and even stress reduction. Find an exercise you can do at home, whenever you want, and engage it regularly, for at least 30 minutes, 3 times each week.


Manage Your Weight

Obesity is a factor in many diseases. You can increase your ability to resist disease if you keep your weight in the normal range. A healthy diet and regular exercise will help to keep you within the right limits. Your doctor can offer suggestions on the best diet for your needs.


Get A Restful Night’s Sleep

Sometimes, it’s hard to get a full night’s sleep. Your daily tasks may go on well into the evening, impairing your ability to wind down and relax in the evening. Stress and worries can make it difficult to fall asleep, or you may wake frequently during the night. You can change these patterns if you make a point of eating lightly in the evening, avoiding stimulants, making sure your bedroom is a good temperature for sleep, and shutting off your electronics several hours before you go to bed.


Learn Stress Management Techniques

It’s often said that stress is a killer because it can affect your body in damaging ways. Learn to recognize stress and apply stress reduction techniques like meditation, breathwork, positive visualization, and exercise to relieve your daily stress.


Give Yourself Some Downtime

Sometimes, people fill their lives with so many activities that they don’t notice that the constant running from one event to another adds to their stress levels. Be aware of when your body and mind are telling you to slow down and give yourself the downtime you need to recharge. Spend an afternoon reading or watching a movie you’ve been wanting to see. Take a walk in a wooded area. Take an afternoon nap. Get a pedicure or massage. Pamper yourself a bit and see how it re-invigorates you.


Work At Developing A Positive Attitude

Some people are naturally very positive. Other people tend to worry more about the future and things that occur throughout the day. However, negativity can add to your feelings of stress. If you actively work to maintain a positive attitude, you can help boost your physical health, as well as your mental well-being. If you find doing this is too difficult on your own, counseling may be able to help you find ways to increase your positivity.


Keep Your Relationships in Good Condition 

Good relationships that support you and add to your enjoyment of daily life. But close relationships sometimes need a bit of adjustment to provide the satisfaction you need. Take some time to look at your relationships and how they affect you.


Be Grateful For All You Have

Good health is also related to your attitude in life. Take the time to count your blessings, that is, all the good things in your life. This can help to put problems and tensions in perspective and can have a beneficial effect on stress levels. Listing the positive things in your life helps you to think more positively, which helps to improve general health.


Give Back Something

Doing something for others also has a beneficial effect on your health. Your efforts don’t have to be big or mean a large commitment of time. Simple actions can have a big effect. Offer to pick up some things from the store for an elderly neighbor. Do some charity work with your church group. Volunteer for a community project.

You can learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle more easily than you think. Start with a single aspect of life you can do at home and focus on it until you feel it has advanced your health and well-being. Soon, your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle will be second nature, and you will work to continue the habits that help you to look better and feel better.



Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Get Centered Counseling