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How to Blend Plumbing into Construction Planning

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Sometimes, there are some ways where you want your plumbing to behave and show up in specific ways in your home.

There are some instances where they may show up where you don’t want them to. In that way, consider blending your plumbing into your place through construction planning, which we’ll cover later. First, let’s cover the importance of construction planning.


Why Construction Planning Is Important

When you’re about to undertake any construction project, you need to do some construction planning before putting hammer to nail at any point. It lays the foundation for the successful and efficient execution of the project, ensuring that all aspects are carefully considered and organized.

Construction planning usually involves drafting up plans of what the construction project should be at its end. For example, you can even use tools like engineer construction software to help you draft a plumbing plan to bring out in conjunction with the blueprint for the house overall.

The importance of construction planning isn’t just for planning out what you’re going to build, but it’s most important to let you know how you’ll get there as much as possible.

It’s the proper foundation of the construction project, as without it, the construction team will be lost on what to build. Plus, the day-to-day logistics of a construction project will be chaotic without prior planning.


Ways To Integrate Plumbing Into Your Construction

Now that you know why construction planning is essential, let’s talk about how to fully incorporate the plumbing you want for your home into the construction process.


Hide the pipes behind furniture.

Although it might sound silly, critically positioning furniture pieces is an excellent approach to integrating your plumbing into how your home or place is constructed.

Placing appropriate furniture for whatever room it is in is a great way to hide the pipes you might not want people to notice.

There are many ways that you can make this work. For example, some people have put the right-sized potted plants beneath their sinks to hide the pipes behind furniture. Another common way would be by adding in waterproof cabinets so that the piping space is now also a storage space instead of just something you’re doing to hide something.


Build wooden boxes around the pipes.

Building wooden boxes around the pipes is an excellent strategy appealing to homes with minimalist wooden walls.

With this approach, pipes in more unconventional places will be more attractive, seamlessly blending in with the surrounding architecture. At the same time, since it’s just a wooden box with no severe enclosure, you can easily access the pipes if needed.

You can even paint over the box to match whatever color the walls are if you want them to disappear from view.


Hide with decorative covers 

Some people prefer to be proud of the piping around their home, especially if it matches the house’s theme. In that case, the preferred way to make the piping look more appealing is with the help of some decorative covers.

You can usually find decorative covers for your piping, and they come in simple, clean colors. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be creative. You can use those decorative covers as protection so that the paint or whatever choice of design cover you add to it doesn’t harm the piping directly in any way.


Cover up exterior pipes with plants.

We already mentioned earlier that some people like to place plants underneath their sinks to cover away the piping in an attractive way. You can also do that approach for any other exterior pipes.

Having a clear idea of what plants are best for this purpose is a good idea. It would be best to opt for low-maintenance, evergreen varieties that withstand varying weather conditions. Select tall plants to hide the pipes while adequately complementing the overall landscaping design.

If you want a plant or vine crawling all over the piping, consider installing trellises or lattice panels near the pipes to provide a framework for climbing vines or trailing plants.

Don’t forget to check on the plants occasionally and ensure that their presence isn’t damaging your piping in any way.


Build a brick wall.

If you have a lot more piping that is present that you want to avoid people seeing, then consider walling it off while still having an access point for them.

This solution shouldn’t be your first go-to since it’s a lot more work and a lot more intrusive to the design of the home. However, it’s a pretty durable solution for when you have too much unattractive piping to hide away.

It’s an excellent solution for when you want to section off your plumbing into a dedicated boundary so that you can always get to it when you need it.


Use of soffit ceilings

There may be some reasons you have plumbing up and running along your ceiling. If this is the case for your place and you don’t know how to cover them, then you should consider using soffit ceilings to decorate the space and make your ceiling enjoyable.

 At the same time, it’s a great way to easily cover long spans of piping on the ceiling if needed.


Install a cabinet or vanity unit.

An excellent choice for hiding piping in your place in the bathroom is installing a cabinet or some form of vanity unit. That way, it can cover the pipes and be a place with a purpose and actual use for you. You can store items or use them as a place to get ready.


Build a false wall.

If there are no better solutions to how you hide the pipes, then consider building a false wall. Instead, you (or a contractor) make a false wall made out of plaster. It would help if you also got a plumber to help you ensure that whatever other fixtures you may have fit well and appropriately with the false wall you make to hide the pipes.



These plumbing covering tips are all a great way to hide or embellish pipes. It all depends on how much you want to show the pipes around your home, so it’s a good idea to match your pipe cover approach based on the appearance of your place. Consider the options in this article to inspire you to find the best choice of pipe cover.