How to Protect Your Entire Home Against Pesky Pests & Creepy Crawlies — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL Google+

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How to Protect Your Entire Home Against Pesky Pests & Creepy Crawlies

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Determined largely by the area in which your home is situated, different kinds of pests and insects may be the cause of annoyance, frustration, and in some cases, downright distress, either sporadically or else regularly.

So, whether you are currently experiencing a problem with pests in your property, or else are simply looking to ensure your home is protected as it possibly can be, then this article is for you.

Continue reading to learn how to protect your entire home against pesky pests and creepy crawlies.


Remove Any Bowls of Standing Water

Especially in the summer and indeed, all year round if you have a pet, there will be various bowls and pots of water scattered throughout the home.

Now, aside from the necessary fresh water for your animals, it is important to remove such tempting pools, as if left and even more so if they become stagnant, they will attract a wide range of pests, from cockroaches to mosquitos, the latter even more so in the summer month.

In addition, make sure to empty watering cans, empty plant pots and even bird baths if you are currently struggling with an infestation, as often, insects find their way into buildings due to being attracted to the garden first.


Swap Wooden Flooring for Carpets

Although a decidedly more drastic, not to mention more expensive, method of deterring and even, in an ideal situation, eradicating, infestations of woodworm, ants and spiders is to consider replacing your wooden or laminate flooring with carpet instead.

Search for a prestigious and renowned expert supplier, such as, who can advise on the best style, size, depth and overall framework of carpet design which will serve to protect your floors and at the same time, add desirable aesthetic impact too.


Check Your Entire Property for Signs of Damp

Condensation is the most common culprit which can cause moisture and patches of dampness in a building, and if your home seems to have an inordinate amount of condensation on the windowsills, doorframes, doors and windows, then it may well be that there is not enough ventilation within the structure of the property.

Common signs of dampness and excessive moisture include a musty odour in one or more rooms, excessive water drops on the sills and walls, darker patches in the corner of the floor or ceiling and damaged or rotting skirting boards.

In addition to encouraging unwanted pests and insects, particularly woodworm, into your home, even the beginnings of dampwalls, floors, and insulation can also cause the following problems, especially if left for a long time:

·       Permanently stain the walls and ceilings

·       Wet rot

·       Damage to the foundations

·       Problems with internal walls

·       Fungi growth

Regularly Empty & Clean Your Wardrobe

It may well be the case that you have never experienced an infestation of moths and are the proud owner of an array of different jumpers with absolutely no signs of unnatural wear and tear in the material.

However, if your home and specifically, your clothing, does seem to attract moths, then the most effective thing you can do to prevent another infestation is to regularly deep clean your wardrobe. Remove every item and take a damp cloth and material-specific cleaning products to the entire wardrobe, before checking each item of clothing and returning them to their hangers.

Moths are incredibly irritating anywhere in the home, but when you start to find your clothes disintegrating in your wardrobe, it is important to take action immediately. Invest in lavender bags to place in your drawers and wardrobe and remember to replace them when the scent has disappeared, throw away any older items of clothes you no longer wear. Always check second-hand furniture before you bring it into your home and hang cedar balls from the clothes hangers.


Inspect Your Home for Cracks & Holes

Perhaps somewhat logically, another way in which pests, in particular insects, are tempted inside your home is simply by the ease with which they can gain entry.

In the United Kingdom, the most common offender is the humble ant and although the odd ant who has lost his way is not exactly cause for concern, you will soon change your mind when confronted with an ants’ nest.

Fortunately, there are several ways to ensure that ants and other small insects do not simply file inside your property, with the most effective one being to take a thorough tour around your home and seal any cracks in the floor, walls, and skirting boards. If you do find any sizeable holes in the floor or walls, even in the attic, it would be best to contact a reputable professional to help you ensure the hole is covered properly.


Mice & Rats 

Saving the most alarming pest infestation until last, the final issue to tackle, especially if you have been a victim of this in the past, is to ensure that mice and their larger cousins cannot possibly gain entry to any part of your property.

Not only is the sight, or even the possible sighting, of a mouse incredibly alarming, but they can do a considerable amount of damage to the walls and internal structure of your home.

One main deterrent is to make sure that there are no dark areas of storage in the back garden which come too close to the door, such as outhouses, sheds, or even upturned plant pots. Additionally, if your bins are usually stored just outside the back door, you should move them to the other end of the garden or preferably, inside a secure garage.

Inside the home, ensure that all food is placed in airtight boxes and that your kitchen bin is never overflowing, rather emptied regularly. When you bring anything in from outside, especially larger items (including your watering can), inspect them thoroughly for any evidence of rodent droppings. Clogged drains are also exceedingly tempting for both mice and rats, so make sure your pipes are not leaking and that the drains are always kept as clear as possible.