Understanding Water Fountains From a Plumber's Perspective: 9 Main Points — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL Google+

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Understanding Water Fountains From a Plumber's Perspective: 9 Main Points

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Water fountains can improve your home’s appearance significantly. The best part about them is that they are very affordable, which makes them a great option for people who are looking for ways to improve their home’s design without spending a fortune.

However, before you can invest in a fountain, you need to take some time to learn about them. It is especially important to learn about them considering the rising costs of energy bills, since fountains use water. However, you shouldn’t worry about your fountain wasting water. This post will tell you about water fountains from a plumber’s perspective, so you know everything that’s worth knowing.


Any plumber that’s worth working with will tell you about the different types of fountains before they tell you anything else so that they can find the style of fountain that’s right for you. A very popular style of fountain is the wall-mounted fountain. An outdoor wall fountain for the patio of your home will give you a comfortable place to sit beside and a great place to relax. You can also buy freestanding bird bath fountains, or even indoor fountains if that’s what you’re interested in.


When you are going to install a fountain, you need to plan meticulously. A fountain isn’t a small undertaking, since it will completely transform your home’s appearance. You need to ensure that you have thought through the type of fountain that you want, as well as the material that you want it made from. A plumber will be able to work with you to plan out the fountain that’s right for you. In addition to helping you to plan, they will also offer advice. Make sure that the plumber you are working with is experienced, so that you can trust their advice.


Something that you need to give a lot of consideration to is the material that your fountain is going to be made out of. More often than not, experts recommend investing in a fountain that is made out of concrete. The reason for this is that concrete tends to last a lot longer, not to mention that it’s a lot more durable and doesn’t show signs of wear as easily. A concrete fountain can last an entire lifetime and more if it’s properly cared for


A lot of people are under the impression that fountains use a lot of water, but this isn’t true at all. Nearly all fountains sold today recycle water that’s held within their tanks. The water that’s held in the tank is typically collected from rain. However, during hot spells or intense summers, you may have to top up your fountain tank yourself. The reason for this is that the heat will cause the water in the fountain to evaporate. It’s also very likely that animals will come and drink from it in high heat, which will cause your fountain’s water reserve to dwindle.


When you are installing a fountain, you will have to install a pump. It’s nearly always best to let a trained plumber do this for you. If you do not have any experience with plumbing or setting up pumps, then you are probably going to do it wrong. Installing your fountain’s pump incorrectly will mean that water isn’t able to transfer from your fountain’s water tank into its basin. A big problem a lot of people have is a pump that isn’t forceful enough. A plumber will be able to help you to set up your pump so that it works properly.


If you are going to be installing a very large fountain, then you also need to make sure that there’s a drainage pipe taking water away from your fountain. A plumber will be able to help you with this. If you have no plumbing experience, then there’s absolutely no way that you will be able to do this yourself. Trying to do this yourself will just result in you making a mistake or damaging your fountain. Drainage pipes can be very complicated to put down but are necessary. Again, they are only necessary for large fountains. Small ones don’t need them.


Overflow is something else that you need to think about. Overflow occurs when too much water is in your fountain’s tank and basin, and water begins seeping over the surface. Overflow can be a real problem, especially if your fountain is placed on your patio, because it could lead to lots of water flooding out your patio. Overflow is a very big problem if one’s fountain is connected to the main water pipe since it can’t regulate itself. It can also happen when it is raining very intensely.


Moss is a big problem for a lot of outdoor fountains. Moss is an unavoidable part of fountain ownership. If you own one, then you need to regularly clear away and clean off any moss. If you allow moss to get out of control, then it can damage your fountain. Moss is very easily cleared away, however. If you do not clear it away when you first notice it, then it could get into the tank and then the pump, leading to blockages. Clearing it off as soon as you notice it will help you to prevent it from becoming much of a problem. You can hire a professional to come in and clean your fountain for you if it’s very large.


Lastly, you need to consider maintenance. There isn’t a single plumber in the world that won’t recommend regularly cleaning your fountain. If you do not clean and maintain your fountain, then it won’t last you a long time. Ideally, a fountain, especially if it’s concrete, should last you a lifetime. There’s no way that it can however if you don’t take care of it. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t take care of their fountains, and this is why so many break down or deteriorate prematurely.

Fountains are a wonderful investment because they can improve your home’s appearance and also make your home a more relaxing place. However, you need to know the logistics of fountain ownership first, which this post has told you about. If you have any further concerns, reach out to a professional fountain distributor and a plumber.