Top 6 Maintenance Services You Need for Your New Home — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL Google+

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Top 6 Maintenance Services You Need for Your New Home

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Congratulations on your new house! Now that construction and the paperwork are in order, you’re ready to move into your new home.

But before you can get settled and begin living a peaceful life there, you must first plan for home maintenance.

Like people, your house needs regular check-ups for its upkeep. It is also crucial in maintaining efficiency in your home, not to mention it helps you save money from costly repairs down the road.

Moreover, maintenance increases property value, albeit indirectly. It is also crucial for your home warranties since those don’t usually cover wear due to neglect and lack of care.

In short, you need plenty of professional help in keeping your home in tip-top shape. Besides the occasional repairs, your home would fare better through the years with the top six maintenance services listed below:

1.  AC Servicing

Air conditioning is a godsend innovation, especially in countries with warm climates like the United Arab Emirates. This is because an AC not only helps keep you comfortable inside your home but it also enhances the quality of air you breathe indoors.

Besides enjoying its extensive benefits longer, maintaining your AC system supports better energy efficiency and reduces repair costs.

Ideally, you need to have your AC serviced every six months. Professionals who offer this type of service keep the air-conditioning system in good shape by performing the following tasks:

●      Assessing cooling efficiency

●      Checking and disinfecting air-conditioning components

●      Inspecting the condition of the thermostat

●      Evaluating airflow balance

●      Providing recommendations on repairs that may be needed

Take note that AC maintenance may need to be performed more frequently because of heavier use due to the warm weather. Likewise, HVAC filters must be replaced every one to two months during summer.

Besides AC maintenance check-ups, you may also require other services focused on the specific parts of your air-conditioning system, such as:

Duct Cleaning

Experts recommend performing monthly duct cleaning to maintain good airflow and AC efficiency. However, it can also be carried out if one or more of the following signs emerge before the scheduled maintenance:

●      Visible accumulation of dirt on the AC vents

●      Retention of foul-smelling odours inside the house

●      Allergy symptoms

●      Respiratory issues

Coil Cleaning

Besides the air ducts, the coils also need particular attention to ensure that your AC works optimally for longer.

Like the air ducts, they also affect how well the air conditioning system can eliminate foul odours, improve airflow and air quality, and ensure efficiency.

Some of the signs that indicate the need for coil cleaning are:

●      Insufficient cooling

●      Reduced airflow

●      Water leaks from the coil

●      Frozen evaporator coils

2.  Plumbing Services

Besides your air conditioning, another system you should remember to maintain in your new home is the plumbing.

A well-maintained plumbing system supports hygiene while ensuring efficient water use. In most cases, it also aids in reducing water consumption, especially in desert cities like Dubai.

Of course, it’s not just the amount of water used up that should matter. You also need to pay heed to the health of the water pipes and other plumbing components and watch out for any signs of leakage. If you find any in the toilet or sink, make sure to have those fixed immediately.

Also, check if water pressure is optimal because the plumbing connections, pipes, and appliances could get busted if it’s too high. Plus, having too-high water pressure can waste massive amounts of precious water.

3.  Water Tank Cleaning

You also need to have your water tank cleaned periodically – ideally once every six months. This will ensure optimal performance from your tank and pump system.

This expert cleaning service also prevents debris build-up and keeps your water clean and safe to drink. Also, it could potentially extend the lifespan of your water tank and reduce repair costs at the same time.

Some of the tasks included in water tank cleaning services include:

●      Inspection

●      Mechanical and pressure washer cleaning

●      Disinfection

4.  Handyman

Most handyman service providers cover a variety of tasks applied across the entire house. They can handle almost anything, including the occasional grout and caulking, repainting, repairs, and even appliance installation and furniture assembly right after your move.

Although there’s no set schedule for these tasks, having a professional handyman on your contacts list could prove useful when the time comes. This is especially true a couple of months to a year into your new home, when it’s time to regrout or replace your bathroom or kitchen tiles.

These experts can also help recaulk your bathroom, which prevents moisture damage to the walls and floor (or ceiling if the bathroom is on the upper floor).

Besides this, your trusted handyman can also help perform roof inspections to ensure that there are no damaged shingles or blocked gutters. This particular task should never be included in your do-it-yourself home projects, as it can be dangerous without the proper safety gear, skill, and experience that qualified experts have.

Some of these professionals also handle:

●      Inspection and repair of seals around windows and doors

●      Smoke alarm installation and maintenance

5.  Painting Services

Typically done during springtime, painting and repainting are vital aspects of house maintenance.

Covering cracks and peels with a fresh coat of paint keeps moisture at bay. As a bonus, it also refreshes your home and serves as an opportune time to update its appearance.

Repainting can be done every five years or so, but that would still depend on the condition of your house. To be sure, watch out for the following signs that indicate the need for a repaint:

●      Fading exterior or interior paint

●      Deep stains on the walls or ceilings

●      Peeling paint

Repainting is also a great way to boost the value of your property in case you plan to put it up for sale.

6.  Electrical Services

Many things in your house are powered by electricity, which means you’ll need a qualified electrician in your phonebook should repairs be needed.

Remember to leave electrical work to qualified professionals, as most of these tasks could be dangerous when performed without the skill and experience required for the job.

Among the things that merit a call to a licensed electrician include:

●      Power surges

●      Busted light fixtures

●      Lights that burn out frequently

●      Sagging voltage

●      Dead outlets

●      Circuit breaker trips

Live Comfortably in Your New Home

Like people, a house needs regular check-ups as part of its upkeep.

A well-cared-for home not only helps you save on repair costs but also allows you to live comfortably in it with your family.

Guest Contributor: Chiyako Ikeda