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How To Make Your House Easier To Clean

RH Business Marketing Solutions

We all fantasize about living in a huge and fancy house with a lot of rooms and amazing décor. What we fail to consider in these fantasies is how much work it takes to keep the house clean. If you have a busy schedule or just want to live your life outside just your house, you have to think about how you can take the effort to clean it to a minimum. These practical tips will significantly cut down on your cleaning time but still ensure your home is spotless.

Be mindful of where you put things

When you’re done using something, don’t just put it wherever. This is the easiest way to create a mess that you’ll dread cleaning later. Instead, put the item back in its rightful place. It takes only a few extra seconds, but it keeps your home cleaner and neater for longer.

On top of that, you’ll have a lot less work to do when it’s time for the weekly or biweekly cleaning. Instead of focusing all your energy on the clutter first, you’ll only have to dust and vacuum. With this new system, cleaning will take much less time and won’t seem like a burden at all.

Get a low maintenance floor

Floors might be the hardest things to take care of in a home, especially if it’s big. They suffer the most wear and tear and often need extra protection from scratches and dirt. Hardwood floors, for example, are hardest to maintain and will take up a lot of your time and energy. While they might be beautiful, sometimes it’s simply not worth it.

To avoid this massive headache, consider going for a low maintenance option. Both vinyl and laminate are great choices, as they tend to be more resistant to scratches and they’re very easy to clean. Plus, you’ll save a lot of money on installation costs, as the average person can install them by themselves with no issues.

Get rid of the wallpapers

While wallpapers can be fun and add value and an aesthetic sense to any room, they’re not exactly the cleanest things in the house. In fact, wallpapers are known for collecting dust and germs. To keep things neat, it’s advisable to dust them every month or every two months. That means that while you’re in the middle of cleaning, you have to pay special attention to one more thing.

To avoid the unnecessary chore, it’s much better to get rid of wallpapers altogether. You can achieve the same aesthetic effect with paint, without having to deal with all the grime and dust. If you simply can’t do without wallpapers, at least think about where you place them.

They should go in places where it’s easy to reach them and where you won’t have to try hard to properly clean them.

Go minimalistic

If you’re just starting with the decoration and design of your home or if you’re tired of all the clutter, you should definitely go minimalistic. In the first case, get only the things you actually need and pay attention to the color palette and practical aspects of the furniture you’re buying. That way, your furniture can double as your décor without having the place feel empty.

In the second space, it’s time to do some deep cleaning. Get a few large bags and start separating things into keep, throw away, and donate piles. This will help you stay organized throughout the process and gain a clearer perspective of what you want your home to look like.

By the end of the deep clean, you should be left with only essentials in your home. While it might be hard to part with some items due to sentimental reasons, you’ll forget all about them the first time you notice how much less clutter there is in your home. Cleaning when your whole apartment or house is minimalistic is a breeze. 

Hiring a regular cleaning crew

If you don’t want to redecorate your home completely and are happy with the design, you can look into other options. Professionals like the Simply Spotless Cleaning company can help you with the burden of chores. While some people think that you should always do your own cleaning, there’s nothing wrong with hiring a crew to help out on a regular basis.

Regardless of the layout of your home, you won’t have to spend a minute cleaning any longer. This is an especially good tip for people with demanding jobs, small children, or big families. Having someone else o the chores for you leaves you enough time to relax, bond with your kids, and still enjoy a clean home. The argument that cleaning services are expensive can be made, but you should think of it as an investment into your mental health well being and as a way to save time.

Find better storage solutions

Having good storage solutions can prevent clutter from accumulating and cut down on your dusting time significantly. Unused spaces are perfect for fitting in practical storage solutions, as they help you take care of your stuff without upsetting the design of the rest of the house. They also prevent garbage from piling up and don’t give dust bunnies the opportunity to form in random corners.

If you have a lot of little things or papers, it’s better to use page boards, boxes, and baskets as your storage options. They allow you to combine them with the existing décor and layout, and you can also keep adding them if you run out of storage space.


As you can see, there are many things you can do to make your house clean without breaking your back. With these tips, you’ll never have to spend the whole weekend cleaning every nook and cranny. Efficiency is very important in a home, and that extends to proper maintenance and ensuring everything stays spotless. Your health and comfort will thank you for implementing these cleaning tactics into your life. 

Guest Contributor: Mike Parsons