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Home emergencies you need to be prepared for

RH Business Marketing Solutions

We all tend to get succumbed to some form of emergency in our life. When it comes to home emergencies, sometimes it can be hard to denote the severity of a mishap before it's too late. Most of us probably know how to change a lightbulb, but when it comes to emergencies that present a risk to our lives, damage or harm the house, you need to either have the right tools to tackle the problem or know who to call. Once you learn how to approach a home emergency, you will know how to prevent a disaster, minimize the risk, and even save a life. Here are some home emergencies you need to look out for and how to be prepared for them.


Pipes and other plumbing issues

Whether it’s due to harsh weather and freezing temperatures, or the pipes have burst due to faulty installation or because they are dated, plumbing issues can be a real pain in the neck. There could be pipes that burst just any regular day without warning, and unfortunately, homeowners tend to notice the problem until it’s too late. To avoid flooding the entire house or making some other mess, inspect the dated pipes, close the pipelines when you are not using them or when you go on a holiday, and perform a wintry securing procedure to safe-keep them during cold weather. In the end, have a phone number of a professional plumber by your side.


Locksmith services

You would be surprised how many people get locked out of their homes. Furthermore, very often people tend to lose their keys or forget where they have left them. It's easy when you have spare keys in your car or neighboring assistance, but unless you do, it's a real burden. Instead of breaking into your home, or even worse, to avoid somebody else finding your lost keys and burgling your home, you should call a professional mobile locksmith. A mobile locksmith is a right person for this type of home emergency because he would arrive at your doorstep the moment you call, change the locks if necessary, and give you a new pair of keys.


Tackling electricity-related issues

Again, changing a lightbulb is one thing, but if you need to install more light, or if some electrical malfunctions occurred, it's advisable not to tackle those things alone. Calling an expert electrician who will fix the faulty wiring, or repair broken light fixtures is a far smarter option than trying to do it by yourself. Unless the electrical problem in the house is resolved meticulously, you risk damaging the wires, or even worse, setting something on fire. Ask around and follow the recommendations from somebody you trust to find the most eligible electrician.

The pest (and animal) invasion

Pests and many other little crawling creatures tend to invade our homes without notice. Having pests in a house is one of the most terrifying emergencies as pests can carry harmful diseases and can damage your furniture and ruin your health. Having a number of professional pest control services by your side is one of the smartest ways to be prepared for them. Don't try to get them out of your house by yourself by using hazardous chemicals, because you might only clear those that were visible, and the rest of the pests are hidden far from the eyes. Also, if some other animals such as snakes, squirrels, or other wild animals come to your backyard or through your chimney, be prepared by locking the doors, and calling an animal care service.


Natural disasters

Not many people are utterly prepared for tornados, hurricanes, or floods because those issues are related to force majeure and we cannot really know when to "expect" them. However, there is a way to safe-proof your home in case of some natural disasters. In case of an earthquake emergency, for instance, know where to hide, teach your kids how to recognize the signs, and specify the importance of staying inside. In case of a hurricane, try to remain in the house as long as possible, and/or go to the basement, don't try to run away from the house as there'll be various objects flying around. Set up and pack an emergency backpack in your house, fill it with water bottles, canned food, a flashlight, and batteries.


Roofing problems

Most roofing problems occur as a consequence of harsh weather. Whether it's hail, heavy snowfall, or a storm with heavy gales and rain, the damage on the roof can be severe. Roofing problems represent an emergency that shouldn't be neglected because if you don't tackle the emergency asap, the damage to the rest of the house can be huge. Handling problems related to roofs should be done by professionals as they are adequately trained to install, replace, or mend the roof. If you reckon there's a roofing problem in your home, call the roofers to inspect the problem and give you advice on how to resolve the emergency before it's too late.

Do your best to prevent home emergencies before they even emerge. If something does occur unexpectedly, it's far safer to call experts than to do it yourself.

Guest Contributor: Ron Wolf