Common Injuries That Happen When Renovating a House And How To Handle Them — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL Google+

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Common Injuries That Happen When Renovating a House And How To Handle Them

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Home renovations are long and complex processes that will take you a little too much time and energy. Truth be said, we are all super excited because of the renovations and dread that period of time all at the same time. The point being is that you anticipate the results but, at the same time, detest the mess you need to bear with. On the other hand, too much mess and a very cluttered space can have some surprising outcomes, such as serious injuries. It is inevitable to get injured during renovations in your home, especially if you are the one doing the majority of the work. Henceforth, we have prepared a list of the most common injuries during renovations and how to deal with them.

Thrown-Out Back 

In upside-down houses, one of the most common injuries is the thrown-out back. In addition, this is one of the most common back injuries. When you are deep into renovating your home, you will be required to put your body in a number of different positions that can quite challenge your posture. However, the more flexible you are, the less likely you are to get injured. Unfortunately, while renovating, we keep on throwing out our backs while lifting heavy objects. Normally, it is not always the weight of the objects that keeps causing trouble. On the contrary, awkward shapes and the sizes of different objects can cause serious back injuries. One of the best ways to keep yourself safe from throwing your back out is to repeat the basics. “Lift with your knees, not with your back." 

Also, you need to be proactive. This means that you must stretch before you start renovating your property. To this end, the looser your body is, the less likely you are to throw your back out. If your back has already been stiff, then you should pay a visit to your chiropractor as soon as possible. In addition, when you are done with a very long day, you must get some well-deserved rest on some of the mattresses from the selection. Good quality and inexpensive mattresses sound like a match made in heaven, and on this list, you will find some of the best suggestions. 

Bruises and Cuts 

Your fingers, arms, and legs are the most exposed areas of your body, and while lifting super wavy and edgy stuff, you might face the consequences of your actions. For instance, have you ever wondered how close you are to smashing your fingers whenever you swing the hammer? By mentioning this, we are aiming to say that this is one of the most common injuries at renovation sites. However, these small movements can cause a huge impact and some serious injuries. Broken fingers or even disabled fingers are not rare cases. So, swinging a hammer should be done with full force next time, otherwise, you will face impeccable pain. 

Pulled Shoulders 

Even though none of these injuries do sound very serious and concerning, they may have some consequences you will have a hard time bearing. In the same way that you can throw out your back, you can also pull out your shoulder as well. Shoulders are extremely sensitive areas of your body, and this instance is mainly proven when you keep shifting the objects over your head. Not only will you feel pressure at some point, but stinging pain as well. With lifting heavy objects comes shifting and some awkward positions, which can result in your shoulders being pulled out. 

For instance, you might be installing something in your kitchen. These actions usually require your arms to be placed over your head, which makes your shoulders quite vulnerable. So, if you make the slightest move too fast or abruptly, you can tweak or pull a ligament in the shoulder area. Some of the best ways to prevent this type of injury are to properly stretch your shoulders. You can also start your day by lifting not-too-heavy objects over your head until you are entirely warmed up. 

Renovation sites are the places that bring some risk with them. Since every construction site has clutter that can pose a potential danger, you should be careful where you are placing your feet. Otherwise, you could stand on something sharp. Also, while swinging your hammer, beware that those fingers are your own. Do not make abrupt and sudden movements while holding or lifting something heavy. Remember, you should lift it from the knees, not from the back.