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How To Declutter Your Home Before Moving

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Are you planning on moving soon? If so, you'll want to declutter your home before packing everything up. Not only will this make a move easier, but it will also help to reduce the amount of stress that you experience during the process.

In this article, we'll outline four simple steps that you can take to declutter your home in preparation for a move. Keep reading to see how decluttering your home can help you reduce stress and have a smoother transition into a new home!

Why Decluttering Before Moving Matters?

Decluttering before moving can make your move much easier, and it may even speed up the process. By getting rid of excess belongings and items that don't have a specific purpose in your new home, you will save time and energy during the move.

This will allow you to focus on more important things, like packing and organizing everything else.

Moreover, decluttering also allows you to get rid of any negative vibes or feelings associated with past memories or associations related to the items in question.

By doing this ahead of time, there is no temptation for junking after moving into your new home – which would only lead to additional stress and chaos.

In short: Declutter before moving so that everything goes smoothly – both physically AND emotionally!

How to declutter for moving: Preparations

Fix a Date

To get started with decluttering for moving, you'll need to establish a timeframe for the project. It's important to set a date by which you want everything to be done and then stick to that date.

If you haven't started yet, then it's best to push back your deadline by at least one week so that you can complete everything as smoothly as possible.

Consider Hiring Professional Help

Another thing you can do in order to declutter your home before moving is to hire a professional organizer to help you with this. They will come into your home and take inventory of the items in your house, determining which ones can be packed away and which ones need special care (like fragile items or sentimental items).

Once they've made their list, they'll put together a plan of action based on your specific needs and preferences. This will help reduce the chaos of moving day by ensuring that everything goes smoothly without any bumps in the road.

Make a List

Start creating a list of all the things you need to get rid of. This could include furniture, clothes, books, electronics, etc. Once you have a good idea of what's going to need to go, start sorting it all into categories.

You can keep items in one category until they're moved or donated, or you can place them in storage while you figure out where they should go next.

Dwell on the Idea

Before you start decluttering, it's important to dwell on the idea. This will help you to shift your focus from the negative aspects of moving to the positive ones.

Try setting some specific goals for yourself. For example, you might decide that you want to reduce the amount of stuff that you move by 50%. Or you might decide that you want to donate anything that doesn't fit into your new home or doesn't have a specific purpose.

Once you've set your goals, start brainstorming ways in which you can achieve them. Think about how much space each item will take up and what alternatives there are if an item isn't suitable for your needs. You can also try using a packing checklist to make sure that everything is packed correctly and organized appropriately.

Finally, remember to enjoy the process! Moving is a stressful event, but focusing on its positive aspects of it will help to minimize its impact on your overall happiness.

Get Motivated

Getting into the right mindset for decluttering for moving can help motivate one. Here are a few ways to get yourself fired up 

●      Think about all the junk you're going to be able to get rid of once you've cleaned out your home. It'll make the process that much more satisfying!

●      Refresh your memory of all the times you've been overwhelmed by clutter and how easy it was to deal with it then. This will give you confidence in your ability to clean out now.

●      Visualize yourself enjoying your new, clutter-free home. This will help keep you motivated throughout the process.

●      Envision all of the new storage space and closet space that you'll be able to create once everything is gone. This will make packing for your move that much more enjoyable!

Start as Early as Possible

The earlier you start decluttering for moving, the better. This will help you to speed up the process and get everything packed and ready as quickly as possible. Also, you'll have more time to focus on the important things – like selling your house!

Set a Deadline

You don't want to spend hours organizing your possessions before you move - you can do it in a fraction of the time with a little preparation. That's why it's important to set a deadline for your decluttering process so that you don't end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

However, if you find yourself struggling during this process, remember to take breaks every now and then. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed or discouraged – two emotions that will only hinder your progress.

How to Declutter Before Moving House?


Before you even think about decluttering your house, you need to first clear your mind and focus on the task at hand. Meditation can help you do just that by helping you to calm down and focus on the present.

Start by sitting in a comfortable position with your eyes closed and take a few deep breaths. Once you're settled, start thinking about your current living situation and how cluttered it is. 

Picture all of the different items in your home and catalog them in your mind. Once you've done this, start to categorize them into one or more piles – for example, possessions, memories, etc.

Start With the Rooms and Things You Use the Least

When it comes to decluttering before moving house, start by tackling the rooms and things you use the least. This will minimize the amount of clutter you have to cart around with you, and it will make a move go much smoother.

Think about which items in each room are used most frequently and place them in an easily-accessible location. Then, start removing everything else from the room – one item at a time.

If there's something that's really important, like a photo or piece of jewelry, put it in a safe place where you can access it when you're ready to pack it away.

Once all the items in a room are gone, move on to the next room.

Work One Room at a Time

Before you move house, it's important to clear out all the clutter and items that you don't need in your new home. This can be a lot harder than you think, especially if there's a lot of it!

That's why it's important to start by clearing out one room at a time. This will help you to focus on each task in an orderly fashion and avoid making any big mistakes.

Take Everything Out

In order to declutter before moving house, you'll must need to take everything out. This means removing all the clutter and unwanted items from your home.

Start by taking a walk around your home and noting down everything that's there. From this, you'll be able to create a list of all the items that you need to remove.

Decide What You Need

When you're moving, it's important to take stock of everything you need and decide what you can't live without and what you must keep them. This is probably the most important part of any decluttering process.

If you don't have a clear idea of what you want to keep, then it's very difficult to organize and store it properly.

Also, think about any items that are sentimental to you and are worth keeping. These might include photos, artwork, jewelry ornaments, or other sentimental items. You can either keep these items in storage or give them away to friends and family members before you move.

Start With Paper

One way to declutter your house while moving is by starting with paper goods. Get rid of any magazines that are past their expiry date, junk mail, or any other paperwork that doesn't have a purpose anymore. This will save you time and energy later on when you need to start sorting things out in your new home.

Segregate Questionable Items

When you're moving, it's important to be organized and declutter as much as possible. This will help you move faster and without any hassle.

To declutter your house, start by separating all the questionable items into two groups: those that you can keep and those that you need to discard.

The items that you can keep should be placed in containers or boxes that are easy to access and store away. Examples of things that you can keep include clothes, books, decorations, kitchen gadgets, tools, etc.

The items that you need to discard should be placed in a garbage bag or box and thrown away when you're done with them.

By following these simple tips, it will be easy for you to move quickly and get everything moved into the new house in no time!

Take Out the Junk

After separating the junk items, what you need to do is to take out all the junk. This includes anything that's not essential for your new home — like old clothes, furniture, and decorations. Once you've removed all the unnecessary items, it's time to start sorting them into appropriate storage bins.

You can also use a junk removal service to get everything moved quickly and easily. This will save you both time and hassle, and it will also ensure that your belongings are properly handled and stored.

Evaluate Working Items

When you're moving, it's important to make sure that everything you bring with you is actually useful. Otherwise, you'll end up spending a lot of time and energy unpacking and sorting everything out again once you get settled in your new home.

To help reduce the amount of clutter in your new home, it's important to evaluate working items before you pack them up. This means deciding which items can be left behind and which ones you'll need for your new home.

Here are some tips to help make this process easier:

●      Choose essential items that will be needed throughout the duration of your stay. These might include things like pots and pans, appliances, furniture pieces, and bookshelves.

●      Select clothing and accessories that can be worn while living in your new home – these should be minimalistic and practical. For example, shorts instead of pants, tank tops instead of bras, etc.

●      Make a list of all the non-essential items that you'll need for your stay – these might include things like decorations, ornaments, photos, or other memorabilia from your old home.

●      Label each item with a specific purpose, like ("Housewarming gift," "Suitcase contents," or "Incoming mail"). This will help you keep track of what's where without having to search through piles of clothes or boxes.

Arrange Donation Pick-ups or Schedule Donation Drop-offs

Arrange donation pick-ups or schedule donation drop-offs. This way, you can ensure that your unwanted items get taken care of in a responsible and organized way.

If you choose to arrange donation pick-ups, you can contact local charities or non-profit organizations and ask them to come and collect any unwanted items from your house. This way, not only will you be able to avoid having excess clutter in your new home, but the charity will also get a valuable donation that will help support their cause.

Scheduling donation drop-offs is another great way to declutter while moving. This means simply leaving unwanted items at one of the designated donation centers throughout your city or town.

The center will then take care of sorting and organizing the items before they are donated to charity or recycled. Both of these options have pros and cons, so it's important to think about which one is best for your specific situation.

Do One Last Check as You Pack

It's important to do one final check as you pack your house to make sure that there are no leftover items that you'll need while you're away.

This will help minimize the amount of time you have to spend unpacking when you get back, and it will also keep your house clean and tidy while you're gone.

Repeat Until You're Happy

It can be tough to pack up your life and move all of your belongings, but it's important to remember that it's going to get easier over time.

So keep repeating the decluttering process we've shared above until your house is decluttered and organized to your satisfaction. It may take some time, but eventually, it will be done & worth it! 

Techniques to Declutter Before Moving House

Give Away One Item a Day

Decluttering before moving house can be a lot of work, but it's definitely worth it if you want to live in a tidy and organized home. You should do this by giving away one item every day.

This will help to clear out the clutter and make room for new things without having to worry about getting rid of anything that's important or sentimental.

The Closet Hanger Experiment

When it comes to decluttering, one of the simplest and most effective techniques is the closet hanger experiment.

Simply hang all of your clothes in the closet and see how long it takes you to wear them all. You'll be surprised at how few items you need to actually wear in order to keep your wardrobe clean and organized.

This is especially effective if you're moving into a smaller space that doesn't have room for a lot of additional clothing.

Day-by-Day Schedule

A decluttering routine can be extremely helpful in preparing for a move – it will help you to organize and discard your belongings in a systematic way, which will make the process much easier.

You can do the task by creating a day-by-day schedule. This will help you to allocate time for each task and make sure that everything gets done on time without a ton of pressure on you at one time.

Final Words

We hope after reading this article, you are ready to declutter your home and make it spacious, beautiful, and clutter-free. In case you can't finish the task on your own, try hiring a professional cleaner who will do all the cleaning work for you. Thanks for reading!

Author: Adam Jonson

Adam Jonson is the founder & author of Barnsley Skip Hire. Adam created BSH 5 years ago. His aim to educate & help people disposing waste properly. So that he could help people to make the neighborhood a cleaner and organized place. 

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