Common plumbing problems people try to fix, but they shouldn't
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A father and son cleaning the bathroom sink.
Sooner or later, everyone runs into plumbing issues. Regular checkups and constant maintenance can do a lot to alleviate problems and prolong the life of your home's pipework. However, breakdowns will happen over time, and when they do, you should call a professional to repair them. This article will cover the five most common plumbing problems people try to fix, but they shouldn't. People indeed learn from mistakes, but perhaps you could learn from someone else's errors this time.
1. Clogged drains
Clogged drains may seem like a trivial issue that you can handle yourself. Most people make this mistake thinking they are up to the task and head to their local store. They end up pouring store-bought chemicals down the drain, hoping for the best. However, acids and soda-based chemicals can not only damage the tiles or the sink around your drain, but they can also cause wear and corrosion on the protective lining of the pipes.
Most importantly, applying chemicals yourself can lead to serious injury if you don't handle them with care. You could spill some on your skin or inhale the toxic fumes. Even other alternatives, such as utilizing a plumbing snake yourself, can damage your pipes. Although plumbers use some of these techniques, they are trained in a whole range of drain cleaning methods, including airburst and hydro jetting. They also have the right tools for the job.
2. Low water pressure
Water pressure issues are often symptoms of more serious complications. Multiple things could affect your water pressure. Fiddling around without knowing what you are doing is just asking for trouble. This is one of the more common plumbing problems people try to fix, but they shouldn't because they can cause a whole slew of problems. It could even turn out that the problem doesn't stem from your home but is an issue with municipal water. Therefore, you shouldn't try to fix or replace something yourself; just go ahead and call a plumber to find the root cause.
It will take a skilled plumber to find and diagnose the cause of the low water pressure. Usually, the guilty party is a cracked pipe, eroded water line, or a hidden leak. All of these causes are beyond the ability of a layman to accurately spot and repair.
Pipes often rust from leaks, so there could be more underlying issues.
3. Replacing pipes
Replacing even a few rusty pipes can quickly turn out to be a complex task and be more than you bargained for. You'll need to shut down water to your home, and if done improperly, it can leave you without water for a prolonged time. Worst of all, you could cause a leak or burst, which can cause your entire home to be in a state of disarray. It's best to store your possessions away before starting up a project like that. And it is all the more important if you have a collection of fragile items you don't want to lose in the battle with your plumbing. So, pack these delicate pieces correctly and ensure safe transportation for breakables and get them to storage. Sometimes the entire plumbing system of a house needs to be replaced. Call a plumbing service and get their estimate on how long the project will take. Unfortunately, if you have pipes that need replacing, it’s often more than just one pipe that is faulty.
4. Broken toilet
Broken toilets are probably the number one plumbing problem people try to fix, but they shouldn't. The mere thought of having to wait before they can use their toilet is enough to encourage people to look up various DIY solutions online. However, without the proper knowledge of how toilets are designed, you could easily make a mistake and improperly install a new one.
Toilets use a siphon and rely on a water seal.
To ensure functional flushing, you will need a good connection to the pipework of your home. Water flow needs to be strong enough to get the job done, yet it needs to create a seal, isolating the toilet from the rest of the pipe network. A botched installation can cause water damage to your entire bathroom, and worst of all, you might not initially notice the problems. Keep in mind that if your toilet is frequently clogging, it might be preventable if you take the proper precautions.
5. Frozen pipes
We've seen too many situations of people thinking they can defrost their frozen pipes with enough heat. Sadly, it's not so easy, and we've replaced pipes whose owners damaged them with blowtorches or other improvised tools. The intense heat will cause your pipes to leak or break, and there have even been instances of frozen pipes bursting when they are heated too quickly. Honestly, if you want to do something about your frozen pipes, the best course of action you can take is preventing the pipes from freezing in the first place. Pipe thawing is a complex process that requires specialized gear.
Don't try to thaw your frozen pipes by yourself.
The best time for plumbing work
Any seasoned professional will tell you that it’s best if you do a complete plumbing overhaul before you move in. The house will be empty, meaning that the work will be done faster and without any distractions or obstacles. Contractors may even give you a better rate if you aren't on the property while they are performing the work. Additionally, it will be easier for you as well. You can then focus on the move, get several moving estimates, and plan all the costs with ease. When you move in, the works will be over, and the house cleaned up and looking fresh. What’s best is that you won’t have to worry about any plumbing problems for a long time. Everything was done by professionals well before you moved in, and you can rest with ease and enjoy your new home.
In summary
Be very careful before attempting any improvised DIY solutions you looked up online. Having a professional plumber on call will be the fastest and most reliable way to take care of any issues with the pipes and drains in your home. Be mindful of these five common plumbing problems people try to fix, but they shouldn't, and avoid making those mistakes yourself. It's usually cheaper and more efficient to leave the work to the professionals.
Meta description: Think twice before you do any DIY plumbing. Here are five common plumbing problems people try to fix, but they shouldn't since that can only lead to trouble.
Guest Contributor: Sophia Perry