How to Keep the Appliances in Proper Condition around Children? — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL Google+

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How to Keep the Appliances in Proper Condition around Children?

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There is no doubt that appliances have reduced human efforts. These appliances help in cleaning the mess, saves your time, no matter whether it is a kitchen appliance or bathroom appliance or anything else. And, it’s a very common thing that whenever you choose an appliance, you do some research work, whether it is a reliable one or not etc. 

But, often, we forget to maintain them. After all, they are just machines, and years later, some parts might not work due to wear and tear. And, if you have children or pets, then appliances maintenance is a must. 

Any accident can happen, and that can take a very serious turn. It might also be possible that children playfully damage the appliances. And, once your appliance stops working, it really becomes very difficult to survive. 

Over here, we will discuss some of the ways to help the appliances run smoothly with children in the house. 

Ways to Keep the Appliances running Efficiently and Effectively

Only proper maintenance and regular care can make your appliances work smoothly. And, even if your children have done any damage, you can easily rectify it, replace the parts, and again your appliance will be back to normal. According to the top Electrician in Dubai, there are certain rules, and you need to follow them as discussed below. 

1.   Cleaning the Filter of the AC

Air conditioner becomes our top priority during summer as it is quite unbearable to tolerate the heat of the sun. But, what about the other seasons? As it is not used that much, it does not mean that it is not important or you will pay less attention to it. You need to clean the AC for proper functioning. Due to the accumulation of dirt and dust, the filter often stops working, leading to the AC’s malfunctioning. 

It needs regular cleaning, or if it is old enough, then you have to change the filters. You can also go through the manual for any extra information. The filter is used for collecting the warm air and releasing it outside. Thus, it is very important to keep it in proper condition so that your AC runs efficiently. You can also seek help from Handyman services in Dubai.


2.   Don’t Overload Appliances

Every machine does have its limits. Overloading won’t help you to do the work faster; rather, it will damage the appliance. And, for every appliance, a certain limit has been recommended; filling too much load will waste energy, and even the appliance might work abnormally. And, washing machines have a certain limit to fill clothes. Often the users might think that overfilling will save time. But, actually, it is not like that. This will damage your appliance, and your work will increase rather than decreasing.

3.   Replace Damaged Cord

It is very important to replace the damaged cords as soon as possible. It might be possible that your kids have damaged the cord playfully. This damaged cord, if not replaced, can also cause an accident that can turn out to be very serious. So, to prevent any kind of accident, make sure you change the cord. And, to get noticed about this thing, you need to check your appliance more often. After all, you can’t take any risk when you know that you have kids in your house. 

4.   Adult Assistance is a must

Make sure you always guide your children whenever they are using any appliances. It might be possible that they made a mistake while using the appliance and injured themselves as well as damage the appliance. These mistakes can lead to fire and bad injuries. For example, it is better if you guide them when they are using the kitchen appliances. 

Obviously, you can put restrictions on everything, but it’s better to guide them and help them realise to differentiate between right and wrong. You also need to make sure that the appliance they are using must be working properly. You can first take a trial with the appliance and let your kids use it. But, if you maintain the appliance on a regular basis, then you won’t be that stressed. 

5.   Remove the Limescale from the Appliances

Often it has been observed that people who are living in hard water areas are more prone to witness limescale. And, particularly for those appliances that heat water like washing machines, steam cleaners etc. This limescale will reduce the efficiency, and your appliance might even stop working. 

Thus, you need to remove the limescale. And, if kids by mistake use the limescale, then it might have a bad impact on their health. So, we recommend you clean it as soon as you observe this. This will make sure that your appliance is in the right condition and your children are also safe.

6.   Don’t Overcharge the Appliance

Overcharging will not help you rather make things worse. People have this misconception that overcharging the appliance makes it work longer. But, it is a completely false statement. If your appliance has rechargeable batteries, you must take it off once the charge is completed. If you overcharge, then it might lead to losing the ability to hold a charge any longer. 

People often make these mistakes, but it’s important that you make yourself aware of the right facts. For example, if your child has a phone, tell them not to overcharge it. As it might affect the battery and can lead to damaging the phone. Thus, all your important files and documents will be lost. 

7.   Turn Off the Appliance during the Night

In many cases, it has been seen that people turn on appliances during the night. This won’t help you to save electric bills. Some appliances like the refrigerator need to be turned on if food is stored. The appliance can also lead to safety issues if it is turned on during the night. The appliance can malfunction and can even catch fire — for example, the dishwasher. 

This will damage the appliance and it can even be harmful to children. If by mistake, they touch the wrong part, then they can get electric shock due to the appliance being On. You must have heard that prevention is better than cure. In such cases, maintaining the appliance and guiding your children can work as preventions. 


So, this was all about some rules that you must follow to make sure that your appliance is running smoothly. This won’t just help you maintain the appliance but will make sure that your kid is safe. In most cases, it has been seen that kids are responsible for the malfunctioning of appliances. Now, you can’t really stop your kids, but you can guide them. These rules will be really helpful. 

Guest Contributor: Shruti Panjabi