Taking Care of Your Garage This Winter — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL Google+

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Taking Care of Your Garage This Winter

RH Business Marketing Solutions

When you think of winterizing your home, your mind might not turn to your garage — but it should. After all, this space is where you store your car, which is the second-biggest investment many people have. 

Plus, winterizing your vehicle’s space can help you slash your home heating costs and protect those you hold most dear. Here are five tips for taking care of your garage this winter. 


1. Inspect Your Door 

You might not think about your garage door much, but consider this sobering statistic — approximately 30,000 people suffer injuries from malfunctions each year. Some, including children, die. You should check the function once a month and give your unit a thorough inspection every quarter. 

When inspecting your automatic garage door opener, look for items like broken overhead or torsion springs, bent or broken rollers, and frayed cables. Use your ears and your eyes — does the unit sound noisier than usual? Do you see any bent or rusted tracks or broken panels in the door itself? 


2. Create Storage Space

The winter months are the time to store your landscaping equipment. Doing so properly extends its usefulness year after year. Take the time to wash hoes and spades with soap and water and sharpen the blades with a flat-file. 

Merely stacking your tools in the garage leads to a cluttered mess. You can use a pegboard to hang rakes and other lawn items. A high-quality tool chest keeps your automotive wrenches and bolts organized. 

3. Insulate 

Is your home office located above your uninsulated garage? If so, it’s no wonder you freeze on the job, even when the rest of your house stays toasty. One of the best ways to increase your comfort and productivity is to insulate the ceiling beneath you to keep your toes from freezing on the hardwood floor above. 

Don’t stop with just the roof. Cold temperatures can shorten your vehicle’s engine life, so it pays dividends in automotive maintenance to keep your garage warmer in the winter. Plus, you’ll save on heating fuel because opening the door to the main part of your home will no longer introduce frigid outdoor temperatures to your kitchen. 

4. Seal Your Floor 

When you open your garage door in the summer, you don’t want your neighbors to see a cracked, oil-stained slab of concrete. Leaving your floor untreated means it absorbs every drop of fluid your vehicle spills. 

Coat your garage floor with epoxy to protect it from cracking and stains. The shiny surface lets you wipe up even motor oil with ease. 

5. Protect Potentially Hazardous Materials

Do you have a container of antifreeze sitting on your garage floor? To children and pets, the stuff can taste delicious — but there are severe adverse health effects. If you want to protect your loved ones, keep such materials on high shelves or behind locked doors. 

Did you bring your outdoor grill in for the winter? You should never store propane in your garage because of the risk of explosion. Also, don’t daydream about having an indoor barbecue — most charcoal and gas grills emit far too much carbon monoxide, even if you leave the door open. 

Take Care of Your Garage This Winter With These Tips 

When cold weather arrives, caring for your vehicle’s space will save you money and keep you more comfortable. Take care of your garage this winter with these tips.

Guest Contributor: Rose Morrison