Common Winter Heating Problems and How To Fix Them — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL

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Common Winter Heating Problems and How To Fix Them

RH Business Marketing Solutions


Picture this: the winter weather is blowing outside, and it’s sending chilly winds inside your home. You picture yourself huddled on your favorite couch, reading a book, and then you realize your heating system is not working. As it turns out, you forgot to have it fixed before the winter season set in. Situations like this are the reason why it is vital to properly and regularly maintain your heating system. 

The chilly winter winds can be harsh, so much so that even when you’re indoors, you’re still going to feel the cold seep into you. With a perfectly working heating system, this shouldn’t be a problem; but it can be challenging if you continuously neglect your HVAC unit. 

Homeowners must always find time to check their heating and cooling systems, or they’ll suffer the consequences. If you’re not sure what to do, there are always options available. It’s also quite easy to find a good and affordable home AC repair provider regardless of where you reside. 

You can do your part in taking care of your heating and cooling system by learning how to identify winter heating problems. This way, you can immediately contact your HVAC provider when your system needs repair, or you can also try fixing them yourself. 

Here’s a simple guide to help you deal with common winter heating problems. 

Your heating system is blowing cold air.

Heating systems are supposed to keep you comfortably warm in the cold chilly winter months. If yours does not do such, then you need to seriously consider having it fixed. However, in some cases, this can be caused by certain reasons, all unavoidable. 

First off, check your heater’s thermostat to ensure that it is set to the right temperature. If it isn’t, correct it. Additionally, if it is on fan mode, you have to change the settings to auto, or your heater will just keep on blowing cold air. 

If the thermostat has the right settings, your heating problem may be caused by dirt and debris in your air filter. Another possible reason for the cold air is leaking ducts. Check your air filter and clean it thoroughly if it is dirty, and go to your attic and try to see if your ducts are leaking. Seal off all the leaks that you find.

You may also want to check on your fuel. HVAC systems do not function properly if they do not have enough fuel. If you’re not confident about doing this, you can hire a professional heating specialist to help you deal with the problem. 

Lastly, if your heat pump is frosted, this may also cause your heater to blow cold air. The best solution for this is to “defrost” your heating system until the ice melts. There are two ways to do this: get warm water and pour it over the coils, or you can manually remove the ice covering your heater.

Only some parts of your home are warm.

If your dining room and bedroom are warm, but your kitchen and living room are cold and freezing, your heating system may be in trouble. Situations like this happen when your heater has inconsistent heating issues.

Uneven distribution of heat is also caused by dirty air filters and substandard or low-quality ductwork. Since the blower is obstructed by dust and debris, warm air is not dispersed evenly throughout the house.

If this happens to you, all you need to do is clean or change your air filter with a new one. However, substandard ductwork will need the expertise of a professional HVAC specialist.

If your furnace is short cycling or rapidly turns on and off

Short cycling is what happens when your heating or cooling system frequently turns on and off. If your heater cycles more than the usual (somewhere between three and eight times every hour), this may be caused by a faulty thermostat or a dirty air filter. 

If you have an oversized unit and wrong thermostat placement, this may result in short cycling. Avoid placing your thermostat in areas that can exhibit extreme temperatures, such as near windows and doors, beside TV sets or lamps, near bathroom doors, and on exterior walls. The ideal place for thermostats is on an interior wall of an area or room where you and your family stay the most.

If your heater smells like it is burning

A furnace or heater that gives out a burning smell or smoke is coming out of it may have a problem. Turn it off and unplug the system right away to prevent any accidents. There are two possible reasons for this: dirt in the air filter and dust, and electrical components issues. 

Check your heater and if it is covered with dirt and dust, clean it thoroughly. Consider replacing your air filter, too. After cleaning, observe if there is a significant improvement, but if the burning smell is still there, get in touch with a professional HVAC specialist as the electrical components may need some repair.

If your heating system gives you scratchy throat and dry skin

Your home heating system is supposed to make you feel comfortably safe and warm in the cold winter months. If your heater is not properly maintained, it can cause your home to lose moisture and become arid. Aside from causing dry skin and scratchy throat, this may also result in allergies, asthma attacks, and nosebleeds.

To correct this problem, find a good humidifier that you can integrate with your existing heating and cooling system.

To ensure that your heating system provides the comfort, convenience, and safety it promises, get it regularly checked and maintained by a professional HVAC specialist. It also helps if you know how to identify, correct, and prevent minor problems. 

Guest Contributor: Sara Olsen