Why Hire A Professional Bathroom Remodeler — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL Google+

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Why Hire A Professional Bathroom Remodeler

Rona Regan

KSP Midlothian Bathroom Remodel Jacuzzi.jpg

Why Hire a Professional Bathroom Remodeler

If you’re looking at having your bathroom redone and you’re not a contractor or a plumber, it’s best to leave things in the hands of a professional.  You may be handy and able to tackle a few of the changes yourself, but time and money are both key issues when it comes to renovations in your home, and having someone come in and take care of the job from start to finish can actually save you both in the long run.

Do you really have time for this?

Most households these days are made up of two incomes, and often kids are thrown into the mix as well.  With a job, kids and all of the activities that you’ve already got to juggle through your week; do you have the time to allocate to a renovation project?  Most of us, if we dug down and answered honestly, would have to say no.  Even if you’re one of the lucky ones, and you can pull a few hours out of your magician’s hat, how many of those do you want to spend eating drywall dust and attempting to figure out why that tap keeps leaking when you’ve followed the instructions exactly?  It’s not as if we have an unlimited number of bathrooms to use while you’re on your back under the vanity tinkering away at the pipes.  Even if all goes well and you don’t run into any problems, instead of sacrificing your precious weekends on the project, hiring a contractor could mean having the work done while your family is out of the way at the office and at school and it could be done in half the time. 

Your contractor can suggest a better way

You probably already know what changes you’d like to have made in the bathroom, but a contractor with experience will know just by a glance which of your plans are going to work and which might need tweaking.  The planning stage is crucial in any project and the advice and suggestions from a professional can be invaluable.  If you know you want to update your bathroom but haven’t the foggiest idea where to start, this is also where your professional remodeler can shine.  They know what features are popular and which ones will stand the test of time so that you add long term value to your home.

Murphy’s Law

A renovation project for any part of the house is bound to have its own amount of “Murphy’s Law”.  Just when you have your plans laid out and think you’re making headway, disaster strikes, or you discover that some important structural element was overlooked that won’t allow you to proceed with the plans you’ve so painstakingly drawn up.  It’s back to the drawing board, and do you have the experience you’ll need to redo your plans?  Do you know how to avoid problems in the first place?  A contractor has done hundreds, if not thousands of jobs, and will likely have tackled a problem very similar to yours many times before.  He’ll also know all of the tricks that make renovation projects go quickly and without a hitch.

Experience matters

When you’ve spent good money on the fixtures and other elements for your bathroom, it pays to have it installed and set up properly so that it works from the get go.  When we attempt to renovate without the experience that a professional would have after years of service, we often run into issues that we’re not sure how to fix.  A steam shower, for example, is an incredible way to get the most out of your shower and create a spa like atmosphere for you and your family.   It can help to open your pores and even alleviate some common cold and flu symptoms by opening your airways and allowing you to breathe easier.  In order to get the most from your steam shower, your best bet is to allow someone who’s done it many times before handle the instillation and set up.  If you ever have any issues with the steam shower, your contractor will know exactly what was done and can even have a good idea of the problem before he or she steps foot back into the bathroom.

Hiring a professional to do the job will definitely save you time and headaches, and having the job done properly the first time around will save you money as well.  Their experience and handling of your bathroom remodel can make a potential mine field turn into a renovation project that gives your family the space they’ve dreamed of.

Thank you to Nina Wells who wrote this article. Nina is a guest author from Steam Shower Store and is a respected and expert voice in a plethora of health related subjects with over 10 years of writing under her belt.