Safest and Best Plumbing Pipes for Your Home to Avoid Blocked Drains — Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing - Plumbing Services│Local Plumber│Tinley Park, IL

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Safest and Best Plumbing Pipes for Your Home to Avoid Blocked Drains

Rona Regan

Safest and Best Plumbing Pipes for Your Home to Avoid Blocked Drains

There are a plethora of problems that affect your home’s plumbing and amongst them blocked drains is a very fairly common one. The many reasons for blocked drains range from the wrong kind of disposal to not maintaining your pipes the right way. In other cases, it also happens that you are over cleaning your pipes too much and because they are of a shoddy make, they tend to break faster. This breakage in turn results in the pipes getting clogged further, which in the long run implies that you will continue the bear the brink of this over-clogging. However, a simple solution here would be using safer and durable pipes.

Doing so is highly recommended to prevent blocked drains. Most homes have older plumbing line that breaks apart easily due to wear and tear as well as due to the harsh use of other chemicals these days. So if your home is constantly having issues of blocked lines then you should consider getting an expert opinion and re-work the plumbing. Ideally you can try all kinds of cleaning methods with these pipes be it industrial or even your basic soda and vinegar combination here. Some of the available pipe options here include-


This is one of the most common kinds of pipes used for preventing blocked drains issues. They are used mostly in residential places where both hot and cold water application is fairly common. These have also replaced the copper pipes in many areas. They come in a range of choices like 10-20 feet sizes and the diameters are about ½-inch to 2-inches. These come with special solvents too that aids in faster soldering and keeps your pipe safe for a longer time.


These too are used for hot and cold interior pipe purposes in residences. Not only are they are easy to move but they can be operated or maneuvered with ease without having to use elbows. You can use the standard 100 foot rolls that they come in. They are joint with either plastic or metal crimping and the diameter is about ¼ to ¾-inch. These work in preventing blocked drains because they are able to withstand the harsh weather conditions and thus can quickly get rid of dirt.


Copper pipes are a sturdy and sensible option for all residential homes because they are compatible with both hot and cold water. What makes these pipes sustainable is the fact they are quite light in weight and they are also very long-lasting. Since they fit easily into spaces, you don’t have to worry about fitting issues. Also, the material in itself is able to withstand chemical cleansers and procedures that are known for reducing the risks of blocked drains. You can get them in M (red) for indoor water distribution

What’s not suitable?


PVC or polyvinyl chloride is generally used for water applicants and thus is not suitable for your home unless you are living in very warm areas and use only cold water applications. Ideally these are used for irrigation and farming purposes and the pressure application here goes up to 2 inches. These are joined using mechanical couplings.

There are various other forms of new pipes being launched that are suitable for your home. These are specially devised to combat the problem of blocked drains by preventing materials from sticking to them. They are sturdier and not prone to easy breakage, which makes them ideal for long-term solutions. Of course, do consult with a plumber to know the best option as per your local rules. 

Guest Contributor, Mary Mathis