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Tinley Park, IL


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Kitchen Junk Drawers

RH Business Marketing Solutions

This junk drawer belongs to the Szabo Household. All rights reserved.

This junk drawer belongs to the Szabo Household. All rights reserved.

What's in my drawer?

  • 4 phone chargers(that don't work anymore)
  • ear piece that doesn't work anymore
  • vacuum manual
  • baby pacifier 
  • candles
  • batteries 
  • bottle caps
  • stolen coffee from hotel room
  • dental floss
  • Christmas tree screws
  • Copper fittings
  • screw driver
  • my puppy's Superman cape
  • clear tape
  • RPZ form
  • nail box
  • shake coils
  • extension cord
  • phone cord
  • blue gloves
  • phone rubber cover
  • Halloween glow in the dark pumpkin

Why do most kitchens have junk drawers?

Most of us are clean and try to be as organized as possible. In these times, with full time jobs(some have more than one), kids, school, making dinner, household responsibilities, and whatever else takes up our days, there is zero time to go through that junk drawer that we’re all afraid of.

I've heard stories from a couple parents, as a punishment, they would make their kids clean out the junk drawer. Apparently, everybody hates the dreaded drawer.

When we clean our house, and random stuff that we don't know where it should go gets placed there, as if it will sort itself out and find its correct location! That's called fantasizing. The kitchen counter top gets cleaned, then you open up that magic drawer and shove everything that you save because you truly believe that you will find purpose for those items.

It's a vicious cycle, open the drawer and shove useless stuff in there. Every time, I've cleaned out my junk drawer, I promise to never abuse it again. Well, that promise gets broken every year.

I’m not going to explain or walk you through how to clean it. I just wanted to make light of something that we are all ashamed of. As a child, I hated opening our junk drawer. Today, as a full grown responsible parent, I still hate opening it. I believe every household should have a junk drawer. It doesn't matter how clean you are, or dirty you are. It's normal to have a junk drawer in your house. Don't feel ashamed. 

What's in your junk drawer? Are you one of those people who is afraid to let anyone go near it? 

Things That Don’t Belong In Your Junk Drawer If You Have Kids

  • Medicine

  • Glue

  • Scissors

  • Knives

  • Important Papers

  • Anything Flammable


Things That Don’t Belong In Your Junk Drawer If You’re a Bachelor or Bachelorette

  • Bills

  • Take Out Menus (For your mother’s sake, use a folder)

  • Parking Tickets

Junk Drawer Poem


A drawer full of junk is scary to view.

It tells of my past & tells of yours too

The pens that don't work when you try to write,

A cigarette lighter that never would light,

Cell phones whose towers have long fallen down,

A cheap broken broach from Aunt Flora's gown,

Locks without keys & keys without locks,

A small piece of wood in a green cardboard box,

Three bits of string make a real, tangled mess,

A belt without buckle from an old party dress,

A torn off label from a lost can of peas,

& who would have thought it, but where are my keys?

-Shaun Richmond