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Residential and Commercial plumbers and plumbing contractors available in Orland Park, Tinley Park, Oak Lawn, Palos Heights, Midlothian, Oak Forest, Homer Glen, Mokena, Frankfort, and the surrounding Chicago South Suburbs. Emergency plumbers.

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Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing Blog

Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing is Tinley Park, Orland Park, Oak Forest, Midlothian, Orland Hill, Homer Glen, Mokena, Frankfort, Crestwood, Palos Heights, Oak Lawn, local plumber. Read our blog for advice, tips, a good laugh, and basic home improvement.

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7 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Toilet

RH Business Marketing Solutions

As most of us, we assume that you regard your home as a piece of heaven. That is probably the only place you can have your way with about anything. So, it is only natural that you will be eager to keep it in as perfect a condition as possible. How perfect depends on you and your likes. However, some things we all like having immaculate, and keeping your bathroom in order is one of them. After all, in the case that something should go wrong in your bathroom, dealing with it is going to be very stressful. With that being said, we would like to focus on the bathroom's throne today and share with you seven signs it's time to replace your toilet.

Why even check for signs it's time to replace your toilet?

If you thought there were no reasons to check your toilet for signs that it was time to replace it, you would be taking an approach that many people do. This is the way most of us operate. Why even check for problems when you can not see them firsthand? However, you should be aware that not checking for issues can put you in a position where you could wake up one morning or, God forbid, one night to find out that you have a significant issue in your bathroom to deal with. Obviously, in a situation where you need to act quickly to repair something in your bathroom, you would hardly be able to fix the home problem by yourselfGetting a professional to help you is going to be imminent. 

On the other hand, if you are being proactive and looking for potential issues before they become problems, an entirely different situation is what you are going to experience. You will have all the time in the world to deal with the issue. Also, you can choose whether to deal with it by yourself or have someone come over and deal with it. Lastly, the repair costs will probably be lower for several reasons. You should inspect your home, bathroom included, for potential issues and deal with them in advance rather than wait for them to become real problems. It's just like servicing your car - you do it so it runs all year smoothly.

Piping can play a role in clogging too

The signs it's time to replace your toilet

Now that we have pointed out why you should look for the reasons to replace your toilet let's take a look at the most important signs it is time to do so. They are the following:

  1. If your toilet keeps on getting clogged, changing it might be the solution to your problems

  2. Any kind of crack is a sign that a change is due

  3. Too old? Get a new one!

  4. Dealing with small issues all too often?

  5. Wobbling is a sign to replace it

  6. New toilets flush better

  7. That buildup material deposit isn't going anywhere

Also, bear in mind that it is going to feel good caring for your new bathroom after you make even the smallest of changes. It's the details that make one large picture look good or not.

Frequent clogging is a sign the toilet is due to be replaced

One of the most evident signs that a toiled is due for a change is when it gets clogged all too often. This is something that should not be happening. A normal, properly-working toilet is not going to clog. It is going to run with no issues all the time. So, one clog should be a sign to pay attention to. If clogs become frequent, then you should look into changing them.

Now, it is also important to point out that the piping itself can have an influence on the performance of any toilet. In the case that your pipes are old with built-up debris in them, they could be the source of your problem. So, changing them is one of the things to consider when renovating a bathroom. Purely replacing a toilet, in this case, simply is not going to cut it.

If your toilet keeps getting clogged, consider changing it

Any kind of crack is a sign that the toilet must go

This one is pretty straightforward. If your toilet has cracks, then you need to get a new one. One small crack today could turn into a big mess tomorrow. In case you should decide to change the toilet yourself, you should make sure to avoid hurting yourself in the process by finding out how to handle heavy lifting without suffering an injury. While toilets usually are not the heaviest items in a home, they can be tricky to carry around. Even their installment can represent a challenge to many of us. So, following proper safety guidelines is always in order.

An old toilet is an old toilet, and you should get a new one

This is very simple if a toilet is old and giving you trouble, you should get a new one. This is true even in the case when you are trying to make your home as sustainable as it can be. There are many common water problems and lack thereof all over the world. So, making your home as green as it can be definitely is a thing to consider. If this is what you want to do, then your old toilet needs to go. Modern ones use less water to flush.

Have you been dealing with small issues too often?

Toilets are usually not amenities in your home that should require repairs. So, if you find yourself dealing with small nagging issues, then you might consider replacing your toilet. As professionals in the moving industry, Peasley Transfer & Storage would advise replacing your toilet right before moving into your new home. Too many people settle for what has already been installed, not understanding that proactive replacing some amenities right before moving in is going to be beneficial not only for their wallets but for their peace of mind as well. Therefore, you should be smart about this. 

If you move homes, install a new toilet

Wobbling is one of the clear signs it's time to replace your toilet

One of the clear signs that you should replace your toilet is wobbling. If your toilet starts to wobble, inspect it. It is sometimes possible to repair it. Still, it can be easier and more beneficial in the long run to simply get a new one. After all, you put all of your weight onto the toilet. Wobble should not take place there.

New toilets flush better

We have already pointed out that new toilets are greener and waste less water than the old ones. Still, it is important to point out that even with less consumption of water, they still flush better. Technology had to come a long way to reach the latest solutions we can use daily. So, better flushing should not come as a surprise. The only question is whether you are going to invest in it.

That buildup deposit is not going anywhere

All plumbing products have their expiry date. Not a literal one, of course. However, all of them are going to become too clogged at some point, they are going to crack, or they will start to wobble. One of the things that can happen to any toilet is that debris buildup from years of service clogs its inlet holes. This can affect performance in multiple ways. Up to some point, you are going to be able to unclog those small holes for water. However, once they become clogged the first time, the next time unclogging is due is going pretty soon. And there is nothing you can do about it. If the water in your area is hard, you can bet that this is going to happen sooner rather than later.

If your toilet tank keeps on breaking down, you might think about changing it all

Therefore, if you have an old toilet that has been giving you trouble, replacing it is probably the best solution to your problems. 

Can you spot the signs it's time to replace your toilet in your home?

As you have seen, there are multiple signs it's time to replace your toilet. Ranging from structural changes to clogged inlets to wobbling to simply wanting to go greener. There are many reasons out there to start wanting a new toilet in your home. So, when you spot the signs, waste no time. Call your reliable plumbers to help you choose the right toilet for your home and to have the old one replaced. With professionals by your side, this little change will give you no headache. Instead, it will be a quick fix to nagging issues you have been faced with or that are potentially waiting to happen in the future. 

Guest Contributor: Sophia Perry

A Guide for Renters Looking to Save on Utility Bills

RH Business Marketing Solutions

If you are a renter, you are often faced with the difficult challenge of trying to save on your utility bills. With the rising cost of energy and water, it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with the bills without sacrificing your quality of life. Fortunately, there are some simple steps that you can take to help reduce your utility bills. From small changes like unplugging appliances when not in use to bigger changes like installing energy-efficient appliances, there is always something you can do to save.


Insulation keeps your home snug and warm during the winter and cool in the summer. Insulation reduces the heat trapped in your home during the winter, thus saving you extra money on heating bills. Additionally, insulation will keep you warm and cozy this winter! If you need help deciding which type of insulation to use, you can ask a trusted renovation and construction contractor for help.

Television Subscription

Comparing different television providers is important in saving money on utility bills. Depending on the user's needs and budget, various television subscription services are available, such as cable, satellite, streaming, and streaming bundle services. Cable and satellite services typically provide the most extensive channel lineups and the best picture quality, but they can also be more expensive. On the other hand, streaming services are more affordable. They may offer some of the same channels as cable or satellite. However, they may also have different picture quality.

Unplug Appliances

Unplugging your appliances when not in use is an easy and effective way to save on utility bills. This simple step can save you up to 10 percent on your electric bill, as appliances such as televisions, toasters, and microwaves can use energy even when turned off. Additionally, unplugging your appliances prevents them from being damaged due to power surges. All you have to do is locate the plugs and switches on the appliances and then unplug them or switch them off when you are not using them.

Reverse-Cycle ACs and Heat Pumps

As a renter, you can install reverse-cycle air conditioner and heat pump systems in an apartment's ceiling. These systems use electricity outside the home during warm months, then exchange that electricity for cool or hot air inside during cold months. That reduces monthly energy significantly.

Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

The easiest, most effective way to reduce energy consumption is by replacing your old light bulbs with energy-efficient ones. By doing this, you can save significantly on lighting costs. This simple step reduces the amount of electricity used by the light bulbs when in use. There are several types of efficient light bulbs available. However, LED lights provide the best value because they last longer and use less electricity than any other type of lighting.

Energy-Efficient Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances use less electricity than normal appliances. While they might cost a bit more when purchasing, they save money in the long run. According to the EPA, highly energy-efficient appliances make up only one percent of the total energy consumed in a home. There are many ways to reduce your appliance's energy consumption without sacrificing your quality of life. However, you can make even bigger changes to get better efficiency results.

Solar Power

In sunny cities year-round, a small solar panel installation can significantly save utility bills. Solar technology is still relatively new, and the installation cost varies by area, so it's essential to determine whether the sun is bright enough for solar power production. There are also federal and state incentives for installing solar panels. However, because of the high initial cost of installation, it's generally a good idea to consult a financial advisor before making a purchase.

Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are easy to use and can help you save a lot on energy bills. These devices allow you to program the right temperature setting for your home rather than leaving it on the same temperature setting all day. This simple step helps you save money by using less electricity. You can also set the device to turn off when no one is home automatically.



There are many ways to reduce your utility bills as a renter, including installing energy-efficient appliances, installing motion sensors for lighting, and using ceiling fans in summer and air conditioners in winter. These simple steps can help you save money and make your life more comfortable. The more ways you can reduce your utility bills, the easier they will be to handle. But remember that even small changes add significant savings over the long run.

Guest Contributor: Stephanie Snyder

5 Telling Signs It Is Time to Replace Your Water Heater

RH Business Marketing Solutions

‍When it comes to your home, the most important thing is obviously that it feels comfortable and fits in with the surrounding neighborhood. After all, you wouldn’t want to spend every day feeling like you are trapped in a drab little cage. As well as beingcomfortable and attractive, your home needs to be secure as well. If there is one part of your house that should never be neglected, it’s the plumbing. After all, if the pipes holding your water or sewage system together were to break, then the result could be anything from a mild inconvenience to a major crisis. Fortunately for you, this won’t happen anytime soon – which means that your home is set for many more years of service ahead of it! So how do you know when it’s time to replace your water heater? Read on to find out.


You Have an Old Water Heater

If your water heater has been in your home for more than 10 years, you should definitely start thinking about replacing it. This is because old water heaters are a significant source of carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas that can lead to climate change and water consumption, and also because they are often unreliable. If your water heater is more than 10 years old, it’s worth looking into what options you have for replacing it. Some may be eligible for government grants and subsidies, or you could look into installing a tankless heater to reduce your reliance on water. If you don’t replace your old water heater when you have the chance, you could easily find yourself in a situation where you have no hot water. You could also end up with expensive repair bills if your water heater breaks down and your local plumbers have no hot water to use in their repair. If you have an old water heater, replace it as soon as possible!


Your Water Heater Is Illegal or Leaking

If you have an illegal or leaking water heater, you will want to replace it as soon as possible – and you should get the state of your water heater checked as soon as you start to notice the smell or taste of chlorine in the water. There are a few reasons why your water heater might be illegal or leaking. If your water heater is older, it’s possible that it’s been in your home for too long and has become inefficient – which means that it’s not only wasting a lot of energy, but could potentially be causing a leak as well. If you are in a city, it’s also possible that your water heater is illegal – this is because most water heaters aren’t permitted in cities. While it is acceptable to have a separate tank outside your home for your hot water supply, it is not permitted inside the city limits.


You Are Considering Replacing Your Water Heater

When you are considering replacing your water heater, you will want to pay close attention to one very important thing: your energy usage. While it’s nice to have a new, energy-efficient water heater, you also need to make sure that you don’t go overboard with your energy costs. A good way to do this is to replace your old water heater with a new tankless water heater. This will reduce the amount of energy your home uses, so you won’t have to worry about increasing your energy bills. It’s also a good idea to make sure that you have an accurate energy reading when you start to research water heater replacements. This way, you will know exactly how much you are spending on energy. If you are concerned about your energy costs, you should definitely consider reaching out to a reputable company that can tell you when to replace your water heater so that your energy cost remain low.


You Need to Replace Your Water Heater Right Now

If you have an old water heater and are experiencing a serious lack of hot water, or if you have an illegal or leaking water heater, you will definitely need to replace it right away. If you don’t replace your water heater right away, you could end up without hot water for a long time, which could mean that you have to wait longer than you need to for the plumbers to come and fix the issue. It could also mean that you end up paying a lot more in repair bills, as your local plumbers have no hot water to use in their repair. Of course, you could also simply replace your water heater right away and avoid all these issues. You can replace your water heater in a number of ways. You can replace your old water heater with a new tankless water heater, you can install a central heating system, or you can simply install a new hot water tank. Whichever way you choose to replace your water heater, it will be well worth it!


Tougher Than It Looks, But It’s Worth It

It may seem like replacing your old water heater is a lot harder than it actually is, but this is not the case at all. In fact, you don’t even need to be particularly hands-on when it comes to replacing your water heater. This is because your local plumbers and gas companies will be in charge of installing the new, new water heater. They will be well-equipped to handle this job and will do it with as little fuss and bother as possible. Once you have replaced your old water heater with a new one, all you need to do is make sure that you are filling your hot water tank correctly and that you have a working temperature gauge. From there, you should be good to go!


Wrapping Up

When it comes to your home, the most important thing is obviously that it feels comfortable and fits in with the surrounding neighborhood. After all, you wouldn’t want to spend every day feeling like you are trapped in a drab little cage. As well as being comfortable and attractive, your home needs to be secure as well. If the pipes holding your water or sewage system together were to break, then the result could be anything from a mild inconvenience to a major crisis. Fortunately for you, this won’t happen anywhere soon – which means that you have many more years of service ahead of it! So how do you know when it’s time to replace your water heater? Read on to find out.

 Guest Contributor: Maggie Bloom

Concrete vs Metal Roof: Which One is Better?

RH Business Marketing Solutions

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a roof for your home. Two of the most popular choices are concrete and metal roofs. But which one is better? Read on to look at the pros and cons of each type of roof to help you make the best decision for your home.

Key characteristics

Concrete and metal roofing are two popular roofing materials with distinctive characteristics. Concrete roofs become hot in warmer climates but can provide insulation and soundproofing benefits. The concrete absorbs heat and acts as a buffer against external noise. Concrete roofs can also be painted to add color, texture, and style. For instance, if your home has Mediterranean architectural styling, concrete roof tiles can be used to match the aesthetic.

Metal roofing is lighter and reflects the sun's heat which can reduce cooling costs in hot climates. In this case, a standing seam metal roof can be a great choice because it is more durable and can last up to 50 years with minimal maintenance. Metal roofs tend to last longer and resist weather-related wear, while concrete may crack in extreme temperatures and require regular maintenance. Ultimately, the decision between concrete vs. metal roofs comes down to each homeowner's climate, budget, and preferences.


  • Concrete roofs

Concrete roofs offer a range of benefits, including lower upfront costs and long-term energy savings. Concrete tiles absorb solar heat, helping keep your home cooler in warm climates. Concrete roof tiles are fire-resistant and can provide soundproofing benefits in busy areas. This means that if you live in a noisy urban area, concrete roof tiles may help to reduce the sound of traffic and other outside noise.

  • Metal roofs

One of the most significant advantages of metal roofs is their durability and longevity. Metal roofs resist extreme weather conditions such as hail, high winds, and snow. They also require minimal maintenance and can last up to 50 years or longer with proper installation and care. Metal roofs are also highly energy efficient since they reflect sunlight which helps keep temperatures inside your home cooler during hot months. They also feature fewer seams and are designed to seal tightly, which helps reduce the risk of water damage and leaks.


  • Concrete roofs

One of the main disadvantages of concrete roofs is that they can become hot in warm climates. This can cause a home to become more desirable and result in higher energy bills. Concrete roofs require regular maintenance, such as cleaning and resealing, to prevent water damage. They also tend to crack in extreme temperatures, which can be costly to repair or replace.

  • Metal roofs

Metal roofs are more expensive than concrete roofs and require specialized installation. They can also be noisy when it rains or hails, which may not be ideal for those who live in quiet areas. Additionally, metal roofing is susceptible to rust over time, so regular maintenance is required to keep the roof looking its best. This means you may have to spend more money on maintenance over the years to keep your metal roof in good condition.

Tips for choosing the suitable roofing material

  • Consider the climate in your area.

The choice between concrete and metal roofing materials will depend mainly on the climate in your area. Concrete roofs can be more beneficial in environments with extreme temperatures because they absorb heat to help keep a home cool. In contrast, metal roofs are better suited for hot climates since they reflect sunlight and keep temperatures inside your home cooler.

  • Think about the style of your home

The roof style will also depend on the type of your home. Concrete tiles may be best if you have a Southwestern architectural style since they are available in various colors and designs to match the aesthetic. On the other hand, if you have a more modern home, then metal roofs can provide a sleek and contemporary look that will add to the overall aesthetics of your home.

  • Evaluate your budget

Another critical factor to consider when choosing between concrete and metal roofs is your budget. Concrete tiles tend to be more affordable upfront, while metal roofs may initially cost more but can last longer and require minimal maintenance. So if you are looking for a low-maintenance option that will last for many years, then metal roofs may be the better choice.

Once you have evaluated all of these factors, consulting with a qualified roofing contractor who can help you make the best decision for your home is essential. They can advise on the materials and installation process and offer additional tips or recommendations to ensure that you get a roof that will last for many years.

In conclusion, concrete and metal roofs both have their pros and cons. Concrete roofs are durable and low maintenance, but they are also expensive. Metal roofs are less costly than concrete roofs but require more maintenance. When deciding which type of roofing material to choose for your home, it is crucial to consider the climate, the style of your home, and your budget. Rest assured that you can find the best roofing material for your needs with research and careful consideration.

9 Signs It’s Time to Move to a New House

RH Business Marketing Solutions

If you've been living in a house for a while but have begun to feel like it's not your home anymore, it may be time to look at getting a new place. There are a few things you should consider before deciding it’s time to move.

If you're thinking about moving to a new home, you might be wondering, “when is the best time to move?” The good news is that there are a number of different indicators that it is time to sell your house and move to a new one. It’s advisable to hire one of the best movers in Massachusetts if you don’t want to end up spending more. Here are some of the most common ones to look out for.

1. Outgrown Current Space

If you are feeling cramped in your home, there may be a good chance that it is time for you to move. Many homeowners realize that their home is no longer fitting their needs as they grow. A starter home often becomes too small once the family expands. Adding more kids, an empty nest or a change in lifestyle can all lead to a need for a new house. Fortunately, there are several signs it’s time to move out.

One of the most common signs of needing a new home is the amount of clutter. Clutter can accumulate over time and can spill into other rooms. As the family grows, you may find that you need more storage space or a better workspace. You can also run out of bathroom or bedroom space. The average American moves about 12 times in their lifetime.

A newer, bigger home comes with a host of benefits. For example, it opens up the opportunity to do things like re-purposed bedrooms and re-arrange living rooms into more conducive spaces. It also provides a welcome break from the daily grind and a new set of friends and family. And the more area you have, the more room you can take care of your pets! Having more room to move around can make for a happier, healthier, and more productive household.

2. Job Relocation

If you're wondering whether it's time to move to a new house for job relocation, it's important to look at the bigger picture. A good place to start is with your HR department. They can tell you if there are any requirements or licensing requirements you need to meet before you can apply for a new job. You should also check your state's unemployment benefits to see if you qualify for any type of subsidy.

There are other reasons to move for a new job. For instance, you might be interested in a city that is better suited for your career or family's lifestyle. Another reason to move is if you want to rent out your current home.

Besides the obvious, you need to consider what is important to you. For example, do you really value free time? If your answer is yes, it's probably a good idea to move into a smaller residence where you can make the most of your downtime. Likewise, if you're not a big fan of the commute, you may want to consider moving closer to work or a better school.

3. High Living Expenses

If your monthly living expenses are a lot higher than they were when you moved into your current home, it might be time to relocate. Whether you're moving into a bigger house, an apartment, or another rental, you'll want to make sure that you have enough money in your savings account to cover the cost of things you need to move into a new house. The good news is that it's a lot easier to start saving than you might think.

Make a personal budget. This will help you to figure out how much you're spending on each type of expense each month. A budget will also show you the best ways to cut back on your spending and save up for a move. As a general rule, you should save at least three months' worth of living expenses.

4. Access to Better Amenities

If you are planning to buy a new house, one of the things you will want to consider is access to better amenities. The more accessible the amenities, the more desirable the place will be. You will want to find houses in areas with quality landscaping, parks nearby, and major transit routes.

There are 12 categories of local amenities, including primary schools, dentists, liquor stores, pharmacies, and clothing/shoe retailers. Each variety of local amenities has a specific number of points that are scored. For example, a large urban center with a high diversity of specialized amenities has a score of about 81 points, while a small urban center has a score of about 42 points.

5. Need for a Change in Environment

If you're feeling stuck in your current neighborhood and crave a change of scenery, it may be the answer to your question, “when is the best time to move to a new location?” Whether you're looking for a more peaceful environment, a more convenient location, or a more exciting neighborhood, a new house can offer the change you're looking for.

6. The need for a Home Office

With more people working from home, having a dedicated space for work has become increasingly important. If your current home doesn't have a suitable space for a home office, it may be time to move to a house with a dedicated office or extra room that can be converted into an office.

7. Neighborhood Safety Concerns

If you're feeling unsafe in your current neighborhood or if crime rates have increased, it may be time to move to a safer area. Living in a safe community can provide peace of mind and ensure that your family is protected.

8. Lack of Privacy

When you feel that your privacy is being compromised, it might be time to move into a new house. This is especially true if you have kids. You will want to make sure that you have a space for them to grow and play. The older they get, the more likely they will need their own room. Even if you've lived in your house for years, you may need to relocate if space is becoming limited.

9. The Desire for a Fresh Start

Finally, it may be time to move to a new house if you're just feeling stuck in your current home and crave a fresh start. A new home can provide the change you're looking for and help you start fresh in a new location.

Moving to a bigger home is often the best solution to start over. This will give you the opportunity to create new memories with your family. It is always a good idea to check with movers in Massachusetts to make sure that your current home is the right fit for you.


There are also exceptions to the above-mentioned signs it’s time to move out. For instance, you could move into your new home if you have aging parents or if you have a spouse who will need to stay in the same house as you. In addition, if you own a business or a nonprofit, you might need to give the company a place to store its documents.

In conclusion, there are many signs that can indicate it's time to move to a new house. Whether you're outgrowing your space, looking for a change in environment, or just desire a fresh start, a new home can provide the change you're looking for. However, if you prefer to stay in your current home, you might consider making updates, such as deciding to replace siding. Make sure to consider your needs and wants carefully before making a move, and consult with a real estate professional to help you find the perfect home.

Start Your Handyman Business Using This Essential Guide

RH Business Marketing Solutions

guest contributor: Bob ShannonStarting a business is a great way to earn a living doing something you enjoy, and for many people, that involves building, fixing, and refurbishing. If you have skills as a handyman and are thinking about branching out on your own to help others maintain their homes or businesses, there’s no time like the present. There are several services available that can help you establish yourself as an experienced contractor, but it’s important to utilize the right ones for your needs.

Here are a few tips from Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing on how to become a handyman:

Narrow down your niche

Some handyman services tackle various types of jobs, while others focus on just a few skills. Finding your niche is essential because it will allow you to specialize in a particular area, which is often more profitable than branching out in all directions. Not only that, you’re going to need certain permits to perform some jobs, so it will be crucial to research which ones your state requires for your chosen field.

Once you’ve chosen your niche, take every step possible to improve your skills and knowledge. For example, if you plan to include welding as part of your handyman business, you can visit Welding Logic for expert welding advice.


Use the right tools

Along with helpful resources, it’s essential to use the right tools to help things run more smoothly. Invoicing apps, team communication tools, and organizational apps are just a few examples of resources that will help you stay on top of your jobs, get paid on time, and keep in touch with employees. You can also look for tech that will help you on the actual job site, such as construction cost estimating software, which will allow you to add up labor and material costs, including taxes. It will also allow you to create a customized template with your business logo and other branding so you can send estimates directly from the job site, as well as set up payment schedules and automated reminders for your customers.

You should also spend time assessing your options when it comes to forming and structuring your business. If you choose an LLC, for example, you’ll need to have a Registered Agent on file with the state to ensure that you can reliably receive documents. While you can fulfill this role yourself, you may want to have a service provider do it for you so you don’t have to worry about it.


Put some thought into your marketing

As a handyman service, your business will need to catch the eye of the right clients. Once you have the best tools for the job, it’s time to think about your target market and how you’ll get your name out there. Advertising on social media is a great start, and you can also create ads on sites like Craigslist and other online directories. Set up a dedicated business page on various social media platforms and share helpful content as well as before-and-after photos of your work. Create a website where customers can leave reviews, as this is a major aspect of garnering more clients.

It’s essential to have well-thought-out branding to share on social media, and a logo is a crucial aspect. You don’t have to spend a lot of money for a unique design, however; look into a logo maker app that will allow you to customize a template with your desired colors, fonts, and icons.

Starting a business of any kind requires a lot of careful planning, but with the right tools, you can make your handyman service a success. Network with other local contractors if possible, and utilize the resources provided by your city when it comes to applying for licenses and garnering clients.

For your residential plumbing needs in the Chicagoland South suburbs, contact Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing today!

Guest Contributor: Bob Shannon

Essential Steps To Take When Buying A Home With Plumbing Issues

RH Business Marketing Solutions

One of the biggest benefits of buying a house with a lot of plumbing issues is that you’ll be able to negotiate the final sale price with the seller. The typical home has plumbing problems once every 3 years. There are even half a million homes in the US that don’t currently have indoor plumbing. As long as you know about the issues before you buy, you can put a plan of action into place to get your plumbing fixed as soon as the property is legally yours.


Find a plumber

The seller may make you aware of the plumbing problems with your new home. Or, it may be revealed in the home inspection. As soon as you find out there are plumbing issues, get in contact with a local plumber. A reasonable seller should allow them into the property to assess the full extent of the problem so they can give you a quote to fix it.

Plumbing costs vary, but you could pay in the region of $6,000 for a sewer repair, $7,000 for replacement pipes, and $1,500 for a water heater repair. If you’ve bought the property as part of an escalation clause, you may have paid more for your property than you originally planned. An escalation clause means you agreed for your initial offer to increase up to a set amount to beat other bidders. It’s a common process in Florida, New York, and California. You can use the quote you receive to ask the seller to lower the sale price of your home, meaning you could end up paying nearer to the first offer you made.


Get saving

Now that you’ve got a quote from a plumber for the repair work, you’ll have a good idea of how much it will cost to get your home’s plumbing system in good working order. You do, however, need to be aware that some unexpected plumbing problems may crop up when your plumber starts work. This is more likely to happen if the plumbing system in your new property is old (between 20 and 50 years old depending on the material used) or if the seller didn’t give access to all parts of the property during the quote. When you know there’s a plumbing problem, save as much money as you can so that all the issues can be fixed in one go.


Hold off on moving in

It’s natural to want to move into your new property as soon as you can. But, it’s best to wait for your plumber to sort out your new home’s plumbing issues first. It typically takes 47 days to close on a home. Where possible, have your plumber on standby on your expected closure date, so they can get to work straight away. After all, the sooner they start, the sooner they’ll finish and your property will be all yours.


Buying a home with plumbing issues isn’t a major setback as they can be rectified. But you need to ensure you negotiate a good saving on the sale price and make plans to get your plumbing sorted as soon as possible.

How To Increase Home Energy Efficiency with Simple Upgrades?

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Home energy efficiency is a critical aspect of home improvement and one that can have a significant impact on your energy bill. Making small upgrades to your home can help reduce energy waste, lower your monthly energy costs, and make your home more environmentally friendly.

In this article, we'll discuss the various ways to increase home energy efficiency and what upgrades you can make to your home to achieve this goal.

Why is Energy Efficiency Important?

Energy efficiency is important for many reasons. It helps you save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Additionally, energy-efficient homes are more comfortable, quieter, and require less maintenance, making them more attractive to potential buyers in the future.

Low-Cost Upgrades for Increased Energy Efficiency:

1.     Replace Old Lightbulbs:

One of the simplest and most cost-effective upgrades you can make to your home is to replace your old lightbulbs with energy-efficient alternatives, such as LED lights.

LED lights consume up to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent lightbulbs, which can make a significant impact on your energy bill. Additionally, LED lights have a longer lifespan than traditional lightbulbs, which means you'll need to replace them less often.

2.     Install a Programmable Thermostat:

A programmable thermostat is another low-cost upgrade that can help you save money on your energy bill. This device allows you to control the temperature of your home automatically, which can help reduce energy waste.

When you're away from home, you can program the thermostat to turn down the heat, and when you're home, you can set it to keep you comfortable. Studies have shown that using a programmable thermostat can reduce your energy bill by up to 15%.

3.     Seal Air Leaks:

Air leaks can cause significant energy waste in your home, as they allow hot air to escape during the winter and cool air to escape during the summer. Sealing air leaks is a simple and affordable upgrade that can help reduce your energy bill.

You can use weatherstripping, caulk, or spray foam to seal any air leaks in your home. You should focus on sealing air leaks around windows, doors, and electrical outlets, as these areas are the most common sources of air leaks.

4.     Upgrade Your Windows:

If your windows are old and drafty, they may be causing significant energy waste in your home. Don’t listen to home improvement telemarketing agents or real estate brokers if they try to convince you otherwise. Upgrading your windows to more energy-efficient models can help reduce energy waste and lower your energy bill.

Look for windows that are ENERGY STAR-certified and have low-E coatings to ensure they are as energy-efficient as possible. In addition, consider adding storm windows or installing insulated window coverings to help improve the energy efficiency of your windows.

5.     Install Insulation:

Insulation is another essential component of a home's energy efficiency. If your home is under-insulated, you may be losing a significant amount of energy, which can raise your energy bill.

Installing additional insulation in your home can help reduce energy waste and lower your energy bill. You should focus on insulating your attic, walls, and floors, as these areas are the most critical for maintaining a comfortable home temperature.

6.     Upgrade Your HVAC System:

Finally, upgrading your HVAC system can help increase the energy efficiency of your home. Look for an HVAC system that is ENERGY STAR-certified and has a high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating, as this will indicate that the system is highly energy-efficient.

Additionally, regular maintenance of your HVAC system, such as cleaning air filters and scheduling tune-ups, can help ensure that it's running at peak efficiency, which can lower your energy bill.


There are many simple upgrades you can make to your home to increase its energy efficiency, and they don't have to break the bank. By replacing old lightbulbs, installing a programmable thermostat, sealing air leaks, upgrading your windows, installing insulation, and upgrading your HVAC system, you can reduce energy waste and lower your energy bill. With these upgrades in place, you'll enjoy a more comfortable home and be doing your part to help the environment.

In conclusion, these home improvement efforts can result in significant energy savings and increased comfort in your home. By taking advantage of these low-cost upgrades, you can make your home more energy-efficient and reduce your monthly energy costs. So don't hesitate, start making these simple upgrades today and enjoy the benefits of a more energy-efficient home.


What are the benefits of increasing home energy efficiency?

Lower energy bills, increased comfort, reduced environmental impact, improved indoor air quality, increased home value.

What is the first step in increasing home energy efficiency?

Conducting an energy audit to identify areas where energy is being wasted would be the first step in increasing home energy efficiency.

Can increasing home energy efficiency be expensive?

Not necessarily. Some upgrades, such as sealing air leaks, can be done for free or for very little cost. More expensive upgrades, such as replacing windows, can be cost-effective in the long run.

Can I do these upgrades myself or do I need to hire a professional?

Some upgrades, such as sealing air leaks and installing a programmable thermostat, can be done by homeowners. More complex upgrades, such as upgrading your HVAC system, should be done by a professional.

How long will it take to see the benefits of increasing home energy efficiency?

The benefits will be seen almost immediately, such as lower energy bills, and will continue to be seen for as long as the upgrades are in place.

Is it possible to make my home 100% energy efficient?

It's not possible to make a home 100% energy efficient, but you can get close by making a combination of upgrades and being mindful of energy usage.

Are there any government incentives available for increasing home energy efficiency?

Yes, some government programs offer incentives, such as tax credits, for making energy-efficient upgrades to your home. Check with your local government to see what's available.

How often should I check and maintain my HVAC system to ensure it's running efficiently?

It's recommended to have your HVAC system inspected and tuned up at least once a year by a professional. Cleaning air filters monthly can also help improve its efficiency.

Can upgrading my windows alone make a significant impact on my energy bill?

Yes, upgrading your windows can make a significant impact on your energy bill. New windows are more energy-efficient and can help reduce heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer.

Are there any energy-efficient upgrades that also improve home safety?

Yes, some upgrades, such as installing a programmable thermostat and upgrading your electrical system, can improve both energy efficiency and home safety.

How can I determine if my home needs insulation?

An energy audit can identify areas where insulation is needed. You can also look for signs such as drafty rooms, high energy bills, and hot and cold spots in your home.

How much can I expect to save on my energy bill by making these upgrades?

The amount you can expect to save on your energy bill will depend on the specific upgrades you make and the size of your home. However, even small upgrades can result in significant savings over time.

How To Paint A House Exterior Yourself?

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Exterior home painting is a basic aspect of home maintenance. Over time, even painted houses will show some amount of wear and tear. This is a normal process since our homes are subject to seasonal changes and climatic conditions as well as other environmental factors such as pollution. 

All homeowners will have to consider painting the exterior of the home at some point. You might have invested in a splendid architectural design for your home (or not) and you probably take great interest in maintaining the landscape of your home (it does not matter if you do). Based on this, a dull exterior can dampen the look and appeal of your home. No matter what your home arrangement is, that is a fact!

Painting a house exterior is a major project. But if you want to give your home a new lease of life by updating the exterior paint of your dwelling, and you are confident of getting the job done, then go ahead with a DIY home exterior painting project. 

If you are ready for a DIY home exterior painting project, then consider the tips and techniques on how to paint your home exterior like a pro. 


Painting your Home Exterior – What you should know

Painting your house exterior is a big job. Perhaps your house just needs a quick retouch of paint here and there. Or you want to go in for a complete change with a brand new color shade for your home. Either way, painting a house exterior is a major project and it requires proper planning and implementation if you want to ensure lasting results from the paintwork.  

  • Painting the exterior of your home is different from interior painting in several ways. Consider the following.

  • The scale and scope of painting your home exterior are larger when compared to an interior painting project because you will be painting a much larger surface area.

  • You will be dealing with heights – so that requires a lot of safety preparations. 

  • You will be working with paint that is thicker because the paint used for home exteriors has to be durable and weatherproof. 

  • Unlike when painting home interiors where paint is applied using a brush and roller, exterior home painting is easier when done with a paint sprayer. 

Home Exterior Painting Supplies

Before you get started with your DIY home exterior painting project, there are a few supplies that you should have on hand. 

Consider the following:

  • Exterior paint.

  • Paint Sprayer.

  • Ladder.

  • Caulk or putty.

  • Plastic Sheeting.

  • Sandpaper.

  • Drop cloths. 

  • Rags.

  • Bucket of water.

  • Hose, scrubbing brush. 

  • Mask or inhalator. 

  • Gloves.

  • Safety Goggles. 

What type of Paint to Choose for your DIY Home Exterior Painting Project?

Choosing the right type of paint for your DIY home exterior painting project is crucial because you want the type of paint that is durable and has been tested to weather environmental elements.

Exterior paints are typically latex based. This makes them thicker and tougher when compared to the paints that are used in interior painting jobs. 


Simple 5-Step DIY Paint Your Home Exterior Guide 

Now that you are ready with all your supplies, it is time to get started with the DIY painting of your home exterior project. 

Consider the following 5-step process:

Step 1 – Prepare the House for Painting

Start by prepping the house for exterior painting. Of course, the first stage will include gathering all of your supplies and other important material and ensuring they are ready for the job such as the paint, paint sprayer, and plastic sheeting among other things as mentioned above, that you will require. 

Prep your work area by doing the following:

  • Clean the exterior of your house before you start – this will help the primer and paint stick to the surface better. You can do a simple wash with a hose and a pump sprayer and then use a scrubbing brush to remove the dirt and grime. 

  • Note: Use a power washer only if you are comfortable and familiar with using one. 

  • Take the drop cloths and tape or cover the spots that you don’t want touched when you start painting. These include the windows and trims and the area near the bottom of your home walls. 

  • Remove chipped or flaking paint from the walls.

  • Paint will hold on better if the surface you are painting is clean and smooth – sanding can help you clear out any bumps or lumps that can spoil the finished look after a fresh coat of paint. 

Step 2 – Get the Paint Sprayer Ready

Make sure your paint sprayer is ready for use. 

With the sheeting in place, you can open your paint and get started. 

There are different types of paint sprayers. So, depending on the type you have, you will have to follow the instructions to fill the paint sprayer and get it ready to apply the paint. 

Again, depending on the type of paint sprayer you are using for your DIY home exterior painting project, you might have to refill the sprayer as and when required. 


Step 3 – Start Painting Your Home Exterior

Your home/work area is prepped, and your painting gear is ready to use, now comes the fun part – get started with painting. 

You might want to take a few practice shots at spraying before you go full speed. So spray the paint and check the type of nozzle setting that works best. Also, check the distance you will have to spray from – you should be able to gauge these after a few practice sprays.

Note: The best setting will disperse a wide and flat spray of paint – this will prevent the formation of clumps or too much paint in one area.  

For the best spread and coverage of fresh paint on the painting surface, make sure you spray from several feet away.  

Ensure every fresh coat of paint on a new surface (as you move up) overlaps with the previous line of paint that you applied so the blending is neat. 


Step 4 - Touch Up and Fix any Errors

Once you are done, fix any errors or touch up areas as and when you see necessary. Ideally, this is something that should handle as you are painting. Having said that, there will always be a few missed spots or areas where you might want to touch up to give your work a clean and smooth finish. 

Watch out for paint that has bled through the edges of the plastic sheeting. Also, check if the ground near the bottom walls has paint drops. You want to clean these up immediately before they dry and become difficult to remove. 

You also want to watch out for regular paint dripping along the side of your house. This can happen – and if left unchecked, once it dries, it can leave ungainly streak marks. 

These are the little fixes that you want to address as quickly as possible. 

Step 5 - Clean Up 

Once you have completed all the painting work, the cleaning-up process is necessary.

Consider the following:

Clean up your paint sprayer. If you don’t, your paint sprayer can get clogged making it difficult or impossible for you to use the next time. 

You can use simple water to clean the paint sprayer. Clean the tubing by running water through the paint sprayer. It’s a salient idea to open up the nozzle and do a deeper cleaning. Do this before the paint dries up. 

Next, clean up your plastic sheeting.

Check for any mistakes. Look at the surfaces you covered and if you find paint in places where it shouldn't be, then clean it up quickly before the paint dries. 

And that's it – your DIY home exterior painting project is complete!


Final Thoughts

You can use the above 5-step DIY paint your home exterior guide when planning your exterior painting project for your home. 

If, however, you require home exterior painting professionals, you should consider partnering with our team of painting professionals. 

With years of industry experience, our team of home exterior painting professionals will work with you in keeping with your budget and your home exterior painting requirements. 

So, get in touch with us and schedule a consultation for your home exterior painting job today!

Important Things You Need To Do Before Buying A House

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Are you planning to buy a house? Buying a house is one of the biggest decisions you can make, requiring careful planning. Before embarking on your homeownership journey, certain things need to be taken care of to ensure that everything goes smoothly. You will need to inspect the house, choose the right mortgage, get a clear title, and many more. This article will discuss the important things you need to do before buying a house. Let's get to the list.

Understand Your Needs

Before getting into the market to shop for a house, you must understand your needs and wants. Ask yourself questions like: What kind of property do I want? How much space do I need? What type of neighborhood is the best fit for me? A clear understanding of what you are looking for will help narrow your search, save time, and prevent regrets later on.

Your needs should also include an assessment of your financial situation. Determine if you can afford a house without stretching yourself too thin and what sort of mortgage is best for you. For instance, you don't have to go for a 30-year fixed mortgage if it does not fit your budget. Be sure to look into other financing options like adjustable-rate mortgages, FHA loans, or USDA loans.

Research the Neighborhood

One of the most important steps before buying a house is researching the neighborhood. You should be aware of any potential safety risks, nearby amenities, and public transportation options. Do your due diligence and read up on local schools, crime rate statistics, and trends in housing prices. This will help you make an informed decision when it comes time to make an offer.

When researching the neighborhood, don't just rely on online sources. Take a walk around the neighborhood and get to know the people living there. You should also attend community meetings and talk to local realtors with in-depth knowledge of the area. Lastly, ensure that the neighborhood fits your lifestyle and that you can see yourself living there for a long time.

Inspect the House

One of the major things that you need to take care of, is inspecting the house you want to buy. There are various ways to inspect the house, such as getting a professional inspector or visually inspecting and checking for any signs of damage. If you plan to do it yourself, you can consider using drones for home inspections to get an all-around view of the property. During the inspection, you should look out for signs of structural defects, water damage, and pest infestations.

House inspection will not be complete without checking the electrical and plumbing systems of the house. Checking these will help you identify any hidden problems that could be costly to fix later on. You can also work with a professional who can give you a more detailed inspection report.

Look for the Amenities

When buying a house, you should also consider the available amenities. Are there any nearby parks, restaurants, shops, and leisure facilities? Consider how important these amenities are for your lifestyle and plan accordingly.

You should also look at the condition of public transportation in the area, as this can be an important factor when it comes to commuting to work or school. Consider the availability of buses and train lines and the proximity to metro stations. With the right amenities, you can enjoy a convenient and stress-free lifestyle.

Mortgage Selection

Getting the right mortgage is a crucial part of buying a house. Before selecting a mortgage, research the different terms and rates available to you. Keep in mind that interest rates are subject to change, so make sure to understand how this will affect your monthly payments. You should also be familiar with the different types of mortgages available, such as fixed-rate mortgages and adjustable-rate mortgages.

Some factors to consider when choosing a mortgage are the fees, down payment amount, and closing costs. For instance, some lenders may require a large down payment or have high closing costs, so these should be considered when making your selection. Make sure to read through the contract carefully and ask questions if you don't understand something.

Clear Title

Before you buy a house, it is important to ensure you can get a clear title on the property. A title search will help you identify any liens or encumbrances that could affect your ownership rights. It is also important to find out who the current owner is to ensure there are no legal disputes over ownership. You should also check if any zoning regulations or building codes apply to the property, as this could affect your ability to make changes in the future.

There are various ways to perform a title search, such as conducting one yourself or working with a title company. Make sure to do your due diligence to ensure that you can get a clear title before buying the house. This will help prevent any issues related to ownership down the line.

There are many important things to consider before buying a house. Researching the neighborhood and inspecting the property should be done first to ensure you make an informed decision. You should also get the right mortgage for your needs and check that the title is clear of any liens or encumbrances. Following these steps will help you make a successful purchase.