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Filtering by Category: August 2022

Why Is Siding Replacement Important?

RH Business Marketing Solutions

A siding is an essential property fixture installed on your property's exterior. Also known as wall cladding, this home wrap is used to weatherproof and safeguard a structure. A siding can also improve your asset's aesthetics and value.

Several siding options are available on the market—vinyl, metal, wood, bricks, and fiber cement, to name a few. As with other construction materials, your home's siding can be subject to wear and tear, exposing your property to potential threats. That said, having a siding replacement in Springfield, Virginia, and similar firms near your area is crucial.

Some homeowners may not fully understand the importance of wall cladding re-installation. If you're one of them, consider these compelling reasons:


1. A Siding Offers Additional Protection

Wall cladding provides a layer of protection that seals your home and protects it from harsh elements. In Virginia, for instance, storms can become violent and tornadoes can wreak havoc on your home. If you're living in the area, it's important to have your siding intact to form a barrier against potential damage brought by extreme temperatures, strong winds, and hail.

A missing or damaged part can eventually cause the entire cladding to break down. As such, it loses its protective capabilities exposing your home to pests, water damage, and ultimately, more serious problems.

Besides obvious physical gaps or missing panels, warping and rotting are two telltale signs of damaged wall cladding. So are cracked, discolored, and loose boards. The presence of bubbles can also signify water seepage, and a replacement must be arranged as soon as possible.


2. You Risk Having Water Damage Without It

Water seeping into your walls can negatively impact your home's structural integrity. Water and moisture can enter your interior walls by penetrating through the damaged wall siding, leading to more serious issues.

You won't likely notice this problem unless your walls have substantial damage. Take heed of the signs of water damage to avoid mold and mildew formation. These nasty microorganisms not only reduce your property's lifespan. It can also increase the risks of allergy attacks and other respiratory issues.

Water damage can lead to significant structural fixes that cost thousands of dollars, a few times more than what you're supposed to pay for a wall cladding replacement.


3. Your Energy Bills May Shoot Up

A well-functioning siding can help seal your home, providing great insulation. With this, your property's heat flow and exchange become more manageable, boosting the functions of your indoor heating and cooling systems. According to the United States Department of Energy findings, a properly insulated home can reduce power bills by 20%.

Without a reliable siding replacement, heated air from the outside can easily seep into your living spaces while cold air can easily leak outside and vice versa. Your air conditioner will work doubly hard to keep you cool when it's too hot. The same can be said for your furnace during the winter season. That said, damaged wall cladding will cause a spike in your electricity bills.


4. Your Repainting Costs Could Increase

Maintenance works must be done periodically on your home's exterior and interior sections to preserve or upgrade its aesthetic features and strengthen its protective properties. If you notice that your interior walls have cracked or peeled paint, it can signify that your siding needs immediate replacement.

The same can be said for your exterior wall paint. A good quality painting job should last at least five years. If your walls need a new coat and you've just repainted them, a damaged siding might be the culprit, so check for the signs mentioned above or ask for assistance from wall cladding specialists.


5. It Boosts Your Home's Resale Value

Besides increasing your property's cooling and heating system efficiency, a professional siding replacement can increase your home's resale value and enhance your home's curb appeal. To the uninitiated, the latter refers to a property's visual appearance when viewed from the outside.

As such, it's one of the strategies used by sellers to attract potential buyers. This siding replacement advantage is great news for homeowners planning to sell their property on the market.

According to the latest cost versus value analysis for home improvements nationwide, sellers can recoup 68.3% of their total siding replacement costs, making it to the fourth spot of property upgrades with the highest returns.


Final Thoughts

While a siding replacement could entail considerable costs, it's an investment that homeowners must make to maintain a safe, secure, and comfortable home. Wall cladding replacement protects your home against harsh weather and elements. It can also help reduce your maintenance and electricity bills while increasing your property value. With these benefits, you should never have to wait one more day to have them replaced.

Importance of an Annual Boiler Service Before Winter Hits

RH Business Marketing Solutions

A certain survey conducted in 2019 showed that 20% of people had boilers that had not been serviced in the last 12 months. 18% of those surveyed said that servicing was unnecessary unless the boiler broke down. While having your boiler serviced looks like an unnecessary expense, it is very important. Today, we are going to show you the top 6 reasons why you should have your boiler serviced every year.

Reasons Why You Should Have Your Boiler Serviced Every Year

1. Keeps Your Home Safe

It may be difficult to notice some boiler problems that can worsen and cause fires, gas leaks, explosions, and carbon monoxide poisoning. The good news is that an annual inspection can help identify such problems and keep your home safe. These problems will be fixed when they are identified during boiler servicing.

Also, remember that carbon monoxide is deadly and can only be identified by a Carbon Monoxide detector. As such, it is good to ensure that there is a detector installed near your boiler to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Corgi Home Plan protect the public and uphold the highest professional standards across the heating industry.

2. Lowers Your Energy Costs

If you don’t have your boiler serviced, it will start losing efficiency hence increasing your gas bill. An annual service will keep your boiler in tip-top condition and prevent heating fuel wastage hence lowering your energy costs.

3. Helps You Avoid Costly Repairs

A boiler service is cheaper than repairing or replacing your boiler. So, if you want to save money, it is good to consider having your boiler serviced every 12 months. Keep in mind that regular maintenance work will make your heating system more reliable and reduces the chances of requiring a costly repair.

4. It Will Keep Your Guarantee Valid

A new boiler’s guarantee will only be valid if it is often serviced every 12 months. Otherwise, the guarantee will be invalidated. Most manufacturers require that a Gas Safe engineer inspects a boiler every year for repairs to be covered by a guarantee.

5. Prevents Winter Breakdowns

If you have your boiler serviced before the coldest months, you will not have to worry about any issues with your heating system during winter. I am sure that you will agree with me that there is nothing worse than turning on your heating during the coldest months only to realize that your heating system is experiencing some problems. When this happens, your house will be freezing and your family members will be grumpy because they are feeling cold. Servicing your boiler every 12 months can help you avoid such a situation.

6. Keeps Your Business Legal If You Are a Landlord

As a landlord, you are required by law to get an annual gas safety certificate from a Gas Safe engineer. This certificate shows that all boilers, gas appliances, pipework, and flues in your rented property have been inspected, repaired, and well maintained.

Guest Contributor: Arslan Hassan

How to Handle a Difficult Employee at a Construction Site?

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Working in the construction industry means meeting challenges on a regular basis. Managing your workforce is often the most difficult of them all. Now, people in the construction industry are some of the toughest, hardest-working, wittiest people that you’ll ever meet. They can also be quite stubborn and argumentative. Here are a couple of things you need to do when you encounter a worker who you would describe as particularly difficult.

Now, with the push to help more people become homeowners, the solidity of the construction industry becomes even more important. With that in mind and without further ado, here are a couple of tips to help you keep things together at a construction site.

Never Reward Poor Behavior

When someone displays bad behavior, the worst thing you can do is turn a blind eye. You see, everything that goes on at the construction site is a public matter. By turning a blind eye to their bad behavior, you’ll encourage this behavior from others, as well.

Even those who are not prone to acting out might get discouraged. Sure, this is not outright schadenfreude, it’s also setting an example. There’s nothing that discourages hard workers and team players more than seeing the opposite behavior go unpunished.

Still, your answer needs to be proportionate to their misbehavior. Being too harsh may seem like the best way to deter future problems, as well, but it will also portray you as a tyrannical leader. This is something that you definitely want to avoid.

Stay Within Your Legal Rights

Mobbing is a huge problem in the business world, especially in construction, seeing as how it’s, for the most part, seen as a testosterone-infused industry. So, being constantly on the line with your construction lawyers might be a good idea. You need to understand what you’re allowed to ask of them and which orders are pushing it too far.

Undergoing some sensitivity training is something that a lot of people do only after they’re mandated to do so by already making a mistake. However, this should not be the case. Taking some sensitivity training in advance can help you get the gist of how to act to avoid legal issues in these disputes.

Keep in mind that it’s not always about what you say but how you say it, as well. This is why it’s so important that you learn how to predict a backlash without having to cause it, in the first place.

Reduce Idle Time

People with a task are less likely to cause trouble. This is true in construction, especially due to the added peer pressure. You see, one person needs to fetch the material that the other person is about to use. If that person slows down the process, the other person can’t work either. Moreover, as the saying goes “idle hands are the devil’s workshop”.

The most dangerous thing about engaging in a dispute with an employee is the idea that the rest of the crew will take their side. They don’t have to be open about it but if they seem like the sensible ones, you’re the irrational party. Soon, they’ll adopt this view on you and use it on multiple occasions.

Construction workers are hard-working people and when they see someone slacking, they’re automatically taking their opposition. This means that, no matter how sound their argument sounds, if they’re being lazy while everyone else is hard at work, they will never be able to rouse the site.

Take their Perspective

If the meeting is taking place in private and they file a complaint, ask them for some time to think it through. Now, this can sound a bit dismissive so give them an exact timeline by which they’ll get the response. This is a rational thing to do and it will buy you time to take their perspective and try to figure out whether you’re in the wrong.

Emotional intelligence is incredibly important when it comes to working with people and you definitely need to practice it more. Even if they are wrong, you need to find out why they hold this stance, in the first place. This way, you’ll be able to tell if they’re being difficult or if they’re just wrong (which can happen to anyone, really).

This also helps you appear as someone who values the opinions of their employees. Just think about it, even if you do dismiss their claim, they’ll still walk away with the impression that you gave it a serious thought. This is vastly different from just dismissing them outright without listening to the word they have to say.

In Conclusion

Arguments in the workplace are a normal occurrence but there’s a difference between a person who disagrees with you on something specific and someone who’s just looking for a reason to start a fight. So, when dealing with a difficult employee, your first task is to figure out whether they’re really being difficult or if this is a standalone issue. Then, you need to check what’s the morally and legally right thing for you to do in this situation. Seeing as how each argument is different, you want to customize your approach (and your arguments) and build the kind of leadership style that can help you in different circumstances.

Guest Contributor: Frank Robertson

Boost Good Hygiene with These Tips in Your Bathroom

RH Business Marketing Solutions

            Everybody wants to have a clean and hygienic bathroom, but rarely do people take the required steps to make this a reality. Cleaning is not the only way of improving bathroom hygiene. If you want to do this, you need to change a lot of habits and implement changes in the bathroom. This is why, today, we will talk about the best ways of boosting hygiene in your bathroom. Let’s get right into it.

1. Declutter

            The first step towards a cleaner bathroom is making sure you don’t feel swamped the moment you enter the bathroom. If you have any toiletries, hair products, make-up, and other products lying around but you don’t use on a daily basis, store them or get rid of them! Good hygiene will always include having a decluttered space where you won’t feel the air weighing you down, and it is the best place to start with hygiene improvement!

2. Try Suspending

            Let’s not kid ourselves, we often avoid cleaning duty like the plague, and most of us do it only when we absolutely have to. Rarely enjoyable, it requires a lot of effort in order to achieve the desired results. Especially in hard-to-get places, it feels like you can never fully clean the corners between the floor and walls. This is why there is a life hack to this; it’s called suspending. By suspending the toilet, furniture, and sink, you are effectively removing all of the hard-to-get floor corners that are causing you so many headaches. A similar method can be applied to the shower. If you opt for a shower tray instead of a bathtub, you are effectively removing a lot of occupied space. Although an even more hygienic solution to this would be a floor-integrated shower.

            However, the effectiveness of this strategy heavily relies on your drainage system. The best systems that allow you to have an uninterrupted shower are when the water drains behind the wall via a built-in installation system or a system that prevents the build-up of filth and bacteria by draining the water through a small collector. These helpful changes minimize the amount of cleaning needed to maintain the hygiene in your bathroom and make your bathroom cozier, but they do not eliminate the need for cleaning entirely. Cleaning will still have to be done (although maybe in a few decades it won’t, we will see). It’s not all bad since studies have shown that cleaning makes you happier and it relieves anxiety and stress. This should be more than enough of a reason for everyone to upgrade their cleaning game. If not for the hygiene, then for the reduced stress.

3. Replace the Old and Worn-Out Rugs and Towels

            This is something that everyone can afford to improve. They don’t need to be any expensive cashmere towels. Just clean; new ones will do. Just throw out the old worn-out, and used towels that you don’t even feel like you want to wash your face on. First of all, start by cleaning up the tiles and any grout. After that, put down fresh rugs that will always give you a comfortable and serene feeling when getting in/out of the shower.

            If you have been using an old and worn-out towel for a long time, the odds are that you have forgotten the beautiful feeling of a fresh towel touching your face. Taking it a step further would be getting a towel warmer so that you will always have a warm towel on the ready (this can be a lifesaver during winter).

4. Make the Bathroom a (Sanitary) Heaven

            It is vital to maintain sanitation inside of the bathroom (and the house) for multiple health reasons. A bathroom is a place where you come to clean yourself; it becomes a bit harder to clean yourself in a place that isn’t clean itself, isn’t it? Thankfully, as technology has progressed, it has become a lot easier to maintain sanitation in the bathroom. Most shower trays nowadays require almost no maintenance. Applying special enamel to bathroom surfaces to ensure complete smoothness prevents any type of dirt and bacteria build-up. Flush plates and toilet seat covers also add a layer of sanitation. A good addition to the bathroom is that you can opt for a bidet attachment, as it is an elegant addition to the bathroom and comes off as both hygienic and sanitary.

5. Make Sure Your Bathroom Always Stays Dry

            In order to avoid mould, nasty smells, and an overall nasty aura that a broken down and wet bathroom gives, you have to always keep it dry. This does not come off as a particularly difficult task, as you only really need to pay attention when getting out of the shower and washing your hands over the sink so that water doesn’t go everywhere. If you like having artwork hung up in your bathroom to give it more style, the water can also affect its appeal, which is not a good thing. In some cases, even after drying up the bathroom, you will still see water appearing. In that case, it’s time to call a plumber. Do not take matters into your own hands, as you risk making the problem even worse. For fixing your bidet toilet you need to hire a professional.

6. Always Shut the Toilet Lid Before Flushing

            Usually, not a lot of people think about shutting the toilet lid before they flush. This is because we don’t really realize how much bacteria goes up in the air after we flush. Experiments conducted by HealthDay News have shown that after about 100 flushes in a time span of around 3 hours there has been a substantial increase in the measured aerosol levels, with around ten thousand droplets being generated during every flush. This leads to a massive amount of airborne pathogens being released into the room. Next time, take this into consideration before you flush.

Guest Contributor: Frank Robertson

How To Find The Right Materials For Your Plastic Production Needs

RH Business Marketing Solutions

When it comes to finding the right materials for your plastic production needs, you need to consider a few things. What type of plastic are you trying to produce? What are the environmental conditions like where your product will be used? What is the desired lifespan of your product? By considering these factors and more, you can find the right materials for your specific needs. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important factors to consider when choosing materials for plastic production. Stay tuned!

1. The types of plastic materials that are available

To find the right plastic materials for your business needs, you should first understand the different types of plastic materials that are available. There are four main types of plastics: thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, and polymers.

Thermoplastics are plastics that can be melted and reformed multiple times. They are typically used in injection molding and extrusion processes.

Thermosets are plastics that can only be molded once. They are typically used in compression molding and transfer molding processes.

Elastomers are plastics that have elastic properties, meaning they can return to their original shape after being stretched or deformed. They are typically used in applications where flexibility is needed, such as in tires, seals, and gaskets.

Polymers are a type of plastic that can be either thermoplastic or thermoset. They are made up of long chains of molecules and can be either natural or synthetic. Polymers are typically used in applications where strength and durability are needed, such as in construction and automotive applications.

2. How to select the right material for your needs

When it comes to choosing the right material for your plastic production needs, there are a few key factors you'll need to consider. First, what kind of product are you looking to produce? What are its intended use and applications? Second, what are your budget and timeline constraints? Third, what is the level of detail and precision required for your project?

Once you've considered these key factors, you can begin to narrow down your options. There are a variety of plastics on the market, each with its own unique set of properties and characteristics. Some plastics are better suited for certain applications than others. For example, if you need a plastic that is durable and weather-resistant, polycarbonate might be a good option. If you need a plastic that is transparent and has a high degree of detail, acrylic might be a better choice.

3. The benefits of using plastic materials in manufacturing

With its many benefits, plastic has become one of the most popular materials used in manufacturing. Some of the benefits of using plastic include: 

- Plastic is durable and can withstand high temperatures, making it ideal for products that need to be heat resistant.

- Plastic is lightweight, which makes it easy to transport and reduces shipping costs.

- Plastic is easy to mold and shape into different products.

- Plastic is cost-effective and can be produced in large quantities.

Also, you can easily thermoform it should you need to do so. Furthermore, you can visit the site of the CBM Plastics pros to learn more about the whole process. That way, you can get more insights and be able to make an informed decision.

4. How to find a supplier of plastic materials

In order to find a supplier of plastic materials, it is important to first identify what type of plastic material is needed for the production process. There are many different types of plastics available on the market, and each type has its own unique set of properties. Once the specific type of plastic material has been identified, businesses can begin searching for suppliers that specialize in that particular type of plastic.

5. Tips for working with plastic materials

Once you have selected the right plastic material for your project, there are a few tips to keep in mind when working with these materials. Here are a few tips:

- Make sure to use the right tools when working with plastics. Using the wrong tool can damage the material or cause it to break.

- When cutting plastic, always use a sharp blade. A dull blade will cause the material to fray and can make the cuts uneven.

- When drilling holes in plastic, use a slow speed and be careful not to crack the material.

- Always test the fit of your pieces before gluing or welding them together. Once these materials are joined, they cannot be separated.

- Use caution when sanding or grinding plastic, as these materials can create dust that is harmful to breathe in. Wear a respirator if necessary.

In the end, there are a few key factors to consider when choosing the right materials for your plastic production needs. By taking the time to research your options and understand your needs, you can ensure that you select the best possible materials for your business. With the right materials in hand, you can produce high-quality products that meet the demands of your customers.

If You Want To Have A Pool You Should Be Aware Of These Things First

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Many people dream about having a pool in their house one day. Few other home upgrades have the ability to transform your house into a summer entertainment hotspot, complete with staycations, family get-togethers, hangouts with friends, and refuge from the heat, all within easy walking distance. There are obligations and expenses related to pool ownership, regardless of whether you bought a property with a pool or are prepared to take the plunge and install a backyard hideaway. Here are some aspects of owning a pool that you should be aware of.

Why Have a Pool?

Establishing your motivations for installing a swimming pool is the first step, just as with any other improvement job. These will have a significant impact on the pool's size, form, depth, and perhaps even kind of construction. Will you use it for exercise, fun, or relaxation? Is it intended for your kids and their friends, to improve a view, or to serve as the garden's main point? The other decisions won't be as difficult to make if you are clear on their goal. However, before proceeding with your pool ideas, keep the most important factor in mind: will you utilize it enough to justify the cost?

Pool Maintenance

A major factor is pool maintenance. In addition to periodic cleaning, you should consider the sort of pool you have and the kind of care it will need. Keep in mind that well-maintained pools may be a valuable asset when it comes time to sell your house. Pool care specialists who are exceptional at keeping a pristine pool might be hired by homeowners who lack the time to maintain their pools themselves. Surprisingly, above-ground pools may be more expensive to maintain, mainly if there is no deck around the pool. The professionals have a harder time getting to the water and maintaining the pool without a deck.

Maintaining a pool in top condition—clean, disinfected, algae-free, and pH-balanced—will eat up a good chunk of your spare time, whether it's an above-ground pool or an in-ground one. Swimming pool maintenance is not a task you can leave to itself or set and forget. The bare minimum maintenance tasks are: skimming the pool and emptying the filter baskets; sweeping the pool's walls; vacuuming the pool; activating the filter; checking the pool's water level and, if required, replenishing it; analyzing the composition of the water in the pool and adding chemicals if necessary. This work has to be done often. Every day, it's a good idea to skim, check the baskets, and ensure the filter is working properly.

Safety First

Owning a pool gives you a fantastic opportunity to teach children the value of water safety in a relaxed, familiar setting. If you're going to close your pool for the winter, make sure it has a secure cover so that both kids and animals can't trip over it or run across it. Your pool will be shielded from the weight of snow and ice, and opening it in the spring will be simpler. Although it may be more expensive up front, this style of cover ends up saving money over time by keeping out debris and reducing damage to the pool, in addition to the peace of mind it offers.


Pools are made of several materials. Concrete and fiberglass pools are the most often used. Since they are pre-molded, fiberglass pools are simple to install. You may have your pool ready for use in just a few days. If you don't want to stress about calcium buildup and chemical imbalances in the water, these are the best solutions because they are robust and long-lasting. Steel is used to support concrete swimming pools, making them the most durable choice. The installation of a concrete pool might take up to three months, but it is the strongest of the lot. However, you will have more freedom with a concrete pool to customize it to your tastes in terms of depth, size, design, and interior finishing.

Know the Risks

You must be aware of the dangers and risks associated with owning a pool before purchasing one for your house in order to protect your family. Listed below are some tips for keeping your pool secure: 

-Never leave children alone around the pool.

-Enforce rigorous pool restrictions and ensure that minors and non-swimmers are under adult supervision when utilizing the pool.

-Consider constructing a fence or one with a self-closing gate, and make sure first-aid supplies and life-saving flotation gear are nearby and easily accessible.

Owning a pool does require some work and recurring costs. But in the majority of situations, having a pool can be a fulfilling experience that offers happiness and forges cherished family memories.

How to Turn Your Bathroom into A Luxurious, Relaxing Place

RH Business Marketing Solutions

From a space with a specific purpose, the bathroom has become a small sanctuary of every home. It is the place where you wash off everything from the outside world and enter an oasis zone. Whether you want to shower until you are sleepy, doze off in a tub or make using body lotion a ritual, your bathroom is your safe place. Turn your bathroom into a luxurious, relaxing place smoothly with the following examples, even if you are on a budget. 

Buy new towels 

Even though towels might be the last investment on your mind, they should be the first ones you buy while remodelling a bathroom into a spa. Imagine having a massage appointment, a long bath, or essentially doing anything bathroom related - the soft textiles touching your body are always part of the experience. Choose soft colours that you associate with spa or relaxation like white, grey, beige, lilac, or sage. One colour or coordinated colours will depend on the rest of your bathroom colour scheme. 

Dim lighting 

After a long, busy day filled with appointments and multiple obligations, your only thought should be the time off. This is where dimmed lights act as a great intro to sleep – put off your phone and avoid using screens while relaxing in the bathroom. Rest your eyes under dimmed lights of a shade or a scented candle. If you consider doing this with your significant other, the dimmed lights will definitely add to the romantic atmosphere. Whether you choose the lamps with dark shades or you invest in a dimmer switch, your lighting will be your great ally.

Add more open storage room, handles, and hooks 

The key to enjoying your bathroom to the fullest is a neat organization, which is where a bathroom store can offer more than a few solutions. Shower heads with multiple benefits, fancy faucets, elegant cabinets, or simple handles and hooks can change your bathroom in the few minutes needed to install any of these. Looking at the towel piles and massaging oils will quickly become relaxing. Shower screens can make you feel like you just got into an old movie or provide less water to clean later. 

Install a quality shower head or smart shower 

As bathtub installation is not exactly a quick fix to make your bathroom a home spa, the same doesn’t apply to the shower if you have one. Smart shower control panels are not that complicated to install. In contrast, a better-quality shower head can be a quick DIY project on a lazy weekend. Carefully choose a shower head that can switch water pressure to enjoy a massage or have a perfect warm rain above you while taking a long bath. 

Connect to the spa experience with beautiful smells 

The whole spa experience is an experience for an entire body and mind. Satisfaction of every sense is a priority, which is precisely why candles, essential oils, or home scents must be included in your shopping list. The known relaxation smells are infused with eucalyptus and lavender, but this doesn’t mean they are the only ones. Citrus smells, sage, rose, lotus and many others can bring you desired piece of mind if they are up to your taste. 

Add greenery and flowers 

The candles and essential oils might not be the only way of introducing smell to your home spa – hang a branch of eucalyptus on the shower for freshwater delight. The other great way to make your steamed bathroom give off the scent of the earth is to put the flower pots in your bathroom. The great choices for potted plants in the bathroom include ferns, palms, and lucky bamboo, whereas dried might not be the perfect choice for the home spa experience. 

Put drawer organizers to have everything ready for use 

The great thing about the spa is that everything has its place; if you need it, you can see it and grab it. However, with using many products, our drawers get quickly cluttered. To avoid the stress of looking for a suitable face mask, order some drawer organizers, put ‘decluttering drawers’ in your schedule, and leave only what you intend to use. Make some categories so your spa time will not be interrupted in any way, not even by your own previous recklessness. 

Calming colour scheme 

The whole point of the bathroom spa is to enjoy every part of it, including its design. Even tiles can be replaced by water-safe wallpapers and wall stickers so that you can refresh your interior design without doing costly tile replacement. Go for the colour scheme you connect with relaxation, peace, or the colours you love to look. 

Remember that achieving a luxurious design doesn’t need to break the bank and that your perfect little home spa might only be one shopping away from you. Don’t be afraid to get some bathroom accessories from a nearby  bathroom store for inspiration and make use of next lazy weekend. 

Guest Contributor: Tim Tylor

4 Common Water Heater Problems — How to Fix it

RH Business Marketing Solutions

If your water heater is having problems, this does not mean you need to replace it quickly. Instead, you can fix the problem at your home by yourself or call a professional. The repair cost is much less than the replacement cost, but you first need to find the water heater problem.  

The problem inside the heater may vary depending on the type of heater you have. The most common issue with the electric heater is the failure of the electric circuit, while carbon formation and combustion odor is the problem with the gas water heaters. 

If you leave the water heater problem unresolved, it will lead to a big unresolvable issue. Here is a quick guide that will help you understand your water heater problem and give you the idea of fixing the issue.

Safety first

Do not forget to switch off the power supply before troubleshooting the issue.

Temperature issue

It is the most apparent issue you might face with your water heater. Here are the 3 temperature issues you will likely face.

No hot water 

The probable reason for no hot water from the water heater may differ depending on whether you have an electric or gas heater. If you have an electric heater, then these might be the reasons:

  • The thermostat became faulty.

  • The heater is not receiving power.

In the case of a gas water heater, you have to check whether the gas valve is on or if the burner is effectively working or not. 

How to fix it

The heater will not receive power if its breaker gets tripped and the fuse is blown. In the first case, switch off the breaker and turn it on again. In the latter case, replace the defected fuse with the functional one. 

The faulty thermostat can be corrected only by replacing the failed heating element. If the high temperature has cut off, the heater will give off the cold water. To fix it, switch off the beaker, open the access panel of the upper thermostat and press the reset button and turn on the power supply.

Inadequately hot

The inadequately hot water might be due to an undersized water heater, which means the demand is more than the limit. 

For instance, if the limit of your water heater is 50 gallons, it will produce 40 gallons of hot water, but if you exceed the limit, the heater will start pouring inadequately hot water.  

How to fix it

The only way to fix the problem of inadequate warm water is to limit the demand. If your heater capacity is large enough to manage all your demands and still produces lukewarm water, then there must be some issue with the upper or the lower thermostat. 

Too Hot water

Too hot water pours from the tape when the thermostat is set too high. It may also occur rarely due to a fault in the temperature pressure valve.

How to Fix It

Getting too hot water from the water heater is not a significant issue. Check the heater setting manual to adjust the temperature of the thermostat. The recommended temperature is 120 degrees Fahrenheit which will maintain the heat, and the heater will also work efficiently. 

Discoloration of water and bad smell

The water heater sometimes starts producing rusty water. It is a clear indication of corrosion in the inner lining of the water heater tank. Bacterial growth inside the tank produces an unpleasant rotten egg smell.

How to fix it

You can not fix this problem on your own because to troubleshoot this issue, you need to replace the anode rod. Call the best plumbers club to hire a professional plumber to resolve this water heater problem. If the water discoloration is not due to a malfunctioning anode, you need to replace the water heater. 

Water Leakage

Leaky water heater tanks are the most severe problem that needs to be fixed quickly because it damages other household goods. The heater may leak due to the damaged temperature and pressure relief valves, loose heating element bolts, or loose plumbing connections.

How to fix it

To fix the leakage, tighten the heating element bolts with the help of a wrench. If necessary, replace the valves. Tank leakage occurs due to corrosion which no one can repair, so it is good to replace the water heater.

Noise Production

It is also the case that the tank starts making noise due to the sediment or scale build-up. This sediment overheats the tank's surface and the water boils which may also produce sound. On the other hand, the heating element sometimes produces a snapping and popping sound when you run the heater.

How to fix it

Drain the water completely to get rid of the sediment and scales. If your heater is still producing sound, there might be other issues, so you need to consult a professional plumber to get this job done.

Rare water heater problems

Some other issues that may occur in the water heater are:

  • Water takes too long to heat up. It is due to defective heating elements.

  • Another problem with the water heater is low water pressure due to the comparatively narrow pipe. 

  • The pilot light in case of the gas heater stays light due to a defect in the gas valve.

Monthly maintenance and cleaning of your water heater increase its life, and the heater will not create these common issues. 

Guest Contributor: Zahid

How Can Adding A Fireplace Help In Elevating Your Home

RH Business Marketing Solutions

A fireplace is a beautiful addition to any home. It can help to elevate the look of your house and make it more inviting. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the benefits of having a fireplace in your home. We will also talk about the different types of fireplaces that are available on the market today. If you are thinking about adding a fireplace to your home, be sure to read this blog post!

1. Adding a fireplace can help increase the value of your home 

To many people, a home is not truly a home without a fireplace. Not only does it give the illusion of comfort and security, but it also makes a house feel like a real home. If you're looking to increase the value of your home, adding an elegant looking fireplace is a great way to do so. Not only will it make your home more desirable to potential buyers, but it will also give you a great return on investment.

2. A fireplace can act as a focal point in any room 

If you have a particularly large room or an oddly shaped space, adding a fireplace can help to create a natural focal point. This is especially beneficial if you plan on spending a lot of time in the room, such as in a family room where you gather to watch TV or play games. In these cases, the fireplace can become the gathering spot and make the room feel cozier.

Also, a fireplace can serve as a conversation starter. When you have guests over, they will naturally be drawn to the fireplace and it can provide a great opportunity for you to chat and get to know them better.

3. There are many different types of fireplaces to choose from 

When it comes to adding a fireplace to your home, you have many different options. You can go with a traditional wood-burning fireplace, a gas fireplace, or an electric fireplace. Each type has its own set of benefits that can help to improve your home.

Wood-burning fireplaces are the most common type of fireplace. They provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere to any home. Gas fireplaces are more efficient than wood-burning fireplaces and provide a cleaner burn. Electric fireplaces are the most convenient type of fireplace as they do not require any special installation or gas lines.

4. A fireplace can provide comfort and warmth on cold winter days 

In the dead of winter, there is nothing quite like snuggling up in front of a roaring fire. A fireplace can provide both comfort and warmth on those cold days and nights. Not only will it take the chill out of the air, but it will also create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your home.

If you have never experienced the joy of sitting by a fireplace, you are truly missing out. There is something about the flames that just makes you feel at ease and can even help you relax after a long day. If you are looking for a way to add a little bit of luxury to your home, then adding a fireplace is definitely the way to go.

5. Fireplaces come in many different sizes, so you can find one that will fit perfectly in your home

You should know that there are different types of fireplaces. Some are meant to be installed in the wall while others are free-standing. There are also outdoor fireplaces that you can use to spruce up your patio or deck area.

The type of fireplace that you choose should be based on your needs and preferences. If you have a small home, then a wall-mounted fireplace would be a good option. If you have a larger home, then a free-standing fireplace would be a better choice.

6. Things you need to consider before installing a fireplace

Since you would be making a significant investment in a fireplace, it is important to do your research and understand all the things you need to take into account before installation. This way, you can be sure that your fireplace will not only elevate the look of your home but also provide the functions that you desire.

Here are some of the things you need to consider before installing a fireplace:

- The type of fuel you would like to use 

- The design and size of the fireplace 

- The installation process and cost 

- Whether or not you need a permit 

- How the fireplace will impact your home’s energy efficiency

No matter which type of fireplace you choose, adding a fireplace to your home can help to elevate the style and sophistication of your home. Fireplaces add a touch of luxury and can make any home feel more inviting. If you are looking for a way to improve your home, consider adding a fireplace. It is a great way to add value and beauty to your home.

6 Money-Saving Tips When Furnishing Your New Home

RH Business Marketing Solutions

Not having a lot of money to work with, you search for ways to save money when furnishing the home. You might splurge for the rooms that you care the most about and save on the rooms that don't matter as much. Looking for places to buy, you have no shortage of potential sources since you can find furniture everywhere. Let's look at some tips to save money on furniture.


1. Buy Direct

The cost of furniture drops when you buy straight from the manufacturer. While stores sell the furniture at retail prices, the manufacturer sells at wholesale prices. You eliminate the middleman who tacks on the extra cost to earn a profit. In addition, you often receive better customer service when you buy directly because the manufacturer understands the furniture better.


2. Shop at Thrift Stores

Anyone looking to save money on furniture should visit the local thrift store. Secondhand furniture offers a less expensive way to shop for furniture, and you can often find sturdy and affordable furniture here. Just keep in mind that you don't want to buy furniture made from particle board. Most particle board furniture will last for a single user. You don't want to buy it from a thrift store because it is most often destined for the landfill after the first use. Particle board will often cost less than solid wood furniture, but it comes with a large set of problems when used.


3. Think of the Utility

In some cases, you may want to buy more premium quality furniture because it serves a specific purpose. For example, you want quality furniture when it comes to holding up your TV. You don't want the furniture to fall apart while you have the TV on the entertainment system because it will break two items. In some cases, you may want to pay a little more to save yourself from the inconvenience. Especially if you have a heavier TV, you will need an entertainment system that can hold it.

To get the most this way, consider the utility and how frequently you will use it. If the furniture fails, what are the inconveniences that you will face? In some cases, you need to spend money to save money.


4. Build It Up Slowly

You save more money if you buy your furniture slowly over time. This is because you can truly watch for the deals. Making a knee-jerk purchase without understanding the general costs of the market will cause you to pay more for furniture. This idea of delayed gratification may not be everyone's idea of a good choice, but you will save more if you build your furniture collection up slowly. Spread out the more expensive purchases. You don't need to buy the big-ticket items all at once. Prioritize the most important.

For instance, if you are looking at furniture in Edmonton, You can look at the financing options that some companies offer such as 0% interest if you pay it off in a fixed 6-month period.


5. Think Long Term

Even if you can afford to buy the trendy piece of furniture of today, it may not always make the most sense. Trends change quickly as a new piece generates interest, and it is advisable to like the piece that you buy rather than buy for a trend that changes in a couple of years. Instead, you might look for timeless classics that hold interest over the long term.


6. Look for Annual Sales

Every furniture store will host an annual sale, and when you know the time of the year for it, you can buy the items that you want at a discounted price. Seasonal discounts give you another opportunity to save money. Some of the best times to get a discount include:

●      Fourth of July

●      Memorial Day Weekend

●      Black Friday

●      Labor Day

Now, 10 percent may not seem like much on a small item, but when it comes to big-ticket items, that can save you a ton of cash.



Beware of impulse purchases for furniture that you don't necessarily need. For example, if you shop online, put the item in your cart and wait 48 hours. If you still want to buy it after 48 hours, hit the buy button. Furnishing a new home doesn't have to cost an outrageous amount of money, and you can do certain things to save cash.

 Guest Contributor: Tracie Johnson