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A List of Must Dos for Future Home Sellers

If you are a homeowner who is planning on selling your home in the near future, there are several things you’ll want to do to prepare that will increase the desirability of your home and the success of your sale. There are also some common mistakes that you should avoid before you place a “for sale” sign in your front yard.

Whether you are selling a second home, relocating, upgrading in size, or downgrading in size, this list of must-dos for future home sellers will get you started in the right direction:

Get An Inspection

You should begin this process by getting a professional home inspection, as this will be a large determining factor when it comes to appraising your home’s market value.  Homebuyers will also have your home inspected prior to purchase, but you still should be aware of the areas of upgrade opportunity so you are prepared to negotiate any repairs. An inspector will check your home’s physical structure for the presence of mold and mildew, and to assess the condition of your basement, attic, roof, chimney, plumbing, electrical set-up, heating system, cooling system, and foundation.

Get An Appraisal

An appraisal is a valuable tool to help future home sellers determine what small repairs and alterations can be made to boost your home’s market value. When selling your home, you may rely on your realtor to assess your home’s market value, you may turn to a certified appraiser. The goal with your appraisal is learning how your home stands up to your current market. Remember - every market is different and can change drastically from one year to the next.

Know Your Price

Now that you know the condition of your home’s structure and realistic market value, it is time to set a price. There are many strategies to keep in mind - price much higher than you are willing to accept to leave plenty of room for negotiation; price slightly higher to leave less wiggle room; or price right at the price range you want in hopes of a faster sale. The main goal of this step is knowing the lowest price you are willing to accept. Keep in mind that, if your asking price is significantly more than what you are willing to sell for, you may miss out on potential buyers.


Create Curb Appeal

We aren’t supposed to judge a book by its cover, but with houses, this ethical construct does not apply. When a potential Ohio property buyers pulls up to your home, you want them to immediately connect. If they are looking at your dented mailbox, broken down car, unkempt yard, and peeling paint job, they may see your home as too much work, or decide to use its appearance as a negotiating tool to get the price down. The exterior of your home must look clean, crisp, and well maintained in order to attract buyers immediately. This is particularly important in any photos that are used to list your home - if buyers aren’t impressed with the picture, it is unlikely they will come to view your home.

Stage the House

Staging your home is a must in today’s competitive market. The goal here is to declutter, depersonalize, and create a clean slate that b buyers can envision themselves redecorating and living in. If your home is too busy with your personal belongings, children’s toys, and cluttered closets, it will be hard for buyers to see its full potential. Staging also includes painting and opening up the space by redecorating and rearranging your furniture. Staging your home can be a challenge if you reside in the home you are selling. If you are living in the home you are selling, it may be a good idea to rent a storage space within which to keep your excess belongings.

Use this must-do list to go from being a future home seller to a well prepared home seller!